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发布时间:2018-06-24 15:07

  本文选题:延边州 + 城镇化 ; 参考:《延边大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国是在人口众多、耕地资源十分有限,以及资源优势与区域优势错位的前提下推进城镇化的。城镇化本质上是一种空间结构的变化,随着以习近平为总书记的党中央成立,这种城镇化的结构转变也处在了一个全新而关键的时期,此时科学的城镇化空间布局、政府引导和市场机制三者显得尤为必要。改革开放以来,我国的城镇化发展战略就一直坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,以全国经济社会长期平稳较快发展为目标,以推动经济社会发展转型为主线,以“资源节约型社会和环境友好型社会”建设为重点,以促进工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展为切入点,构建新型城镇化道路。 在国家宏观政策带领下,多年来延边州城镇化已经取得了很大的成就。截至2011年,延边州完成城市基础投资12.8亿元,改造供热管网270.9公里,全州新开发房地产面积310万平方米,延龙图一体化有序推进,龙井北部新区建设、延吉一龙井城际公路改造工程开工,延吉、珲春成功创建国家卫生城市,尤其近些年随着中国经济的发展以及相关政策的支持,延边州城镇化水平已经居于高位,城乡面貌明显改观。但同时也出现了城镇化建设缺乏规划、城乡一体化程度不高、城市主导产业发展不充分、建设管理机制不健全等许多问题。为此应充分发挥延边中心城市的聚集功能,以抓住机遇修编规划、大力培育特色产业、推进城乡一体化进程、提高领导城镇化能力和城镇工作水平和城镇居民综合文化素质等措施来提高延边州城镇化质量。 本论文通过理论联系实际,在统计数据的基础上对延边地区城镇化发展进行系统分析,并进一步剖析延边州城镇化发展存在的问题及原因,最后提出相应的对策,对于促进延边地区的经济发展和人民生活水平的提高有重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:China is promoting urbanization under the premise of large population, limited cultivated land resources and mismatch of resource advantages and regional advantages. Urbanization is essentially a change in the spatial structure. With the establishment of the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as its general secretary, this kind of structural transformation of urbanization is also in a new and crucial period. At this time, the scientific spatial layout of urbanization, Government guidance and market mechanism are particularly necessary. Since the reform and opening up, the urbanization development strategy of our country has been guided by Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "three represents", and has been carrying out the scientific development view in depth, with the goal of long-term stable and rapid economic and social development of the whole country. To promote economic and social development and transformation as the main line, to "resource-saving society and environment-friendly society" as the focus, to promote industrialization, information technology, urbanization, agricultural modernization as a starting point, Build a new road of urbanization. Under the leadership of national macro-policy, the urbanization of Yanbian Prefecture has made great achievements over the years. By 2011, Yanbian had completed a basic investment of 1.28 billion yuan in the city, 270.9 kilometers of heat supply networks, 3.1 million square meters of newly developed real estate in the whole state, an orderly integration of Yanlongtu and the construction of a new area in the northern part of Longjing. Yanji-Longjing Intercity Highway Reconstruction Project began, Yanji, Hunchun successfully established the national health city, especially in recent years with the development of China's economy and the support of related policies, the level of urbanization in Yanbian prefecture has been at a high level. The face of urban and rural areas has changed markedly. But at the same time, there are many problems, such as the lack of planning for urbanization construction, the low degree of integration between urban and rural areas, the insufficient development of urban leading industries, the imperfect construction management mechanism, and so on. To this end, we should give full play to the gathering function of Yanbian central city in order to seize the opportunity to revise and compile plans, vigorously cultivate characteristic industries, and promote the process of urban-rural integration. To improve the quality of urbanization in Yanbian Prefecture, we should improve the ability of leading urbanization, the level of urban work and the comprehensive cultural quality of urban residents. Based on the statistical data, this paper systematically analyzes the development of urbanization in Yanbian, and further analyzes the problems and causes of urbanization in Yanbian, and finally puts forward the corresponding countermeasures. It is of great practical significance to promote the economic development and the improvement of people's living standard in Yanbian area.


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