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发布时间:2018-06-26 03:27

  本文选题:房地产 + 创新 ; 参考:《人民论坛》2016年27期

[Abstract]:The real estate industry has entered a "silver era" in which overall profits have narrowed and growth has slowed. Its role in China's GDP has changed from a "pillar" to a "stabilizer", so at present the real estate industry regulation policy is dominated by steady growth. The laws of industry development and market trends determine the inevitability of the transformation and development of traditional real estate enterprises: the sustainable development of the industry provides endogenous demand; the innovative applications such as the mobile Internet and the Internet of things constitute the external trend. Financial institutions should vigorously develop real estate funds so that they can more flexibly support the transformation attempts of housing enterprises; and, on the premise of paying full attention to the risks of transformation, they should select strategic partners to participate deeply and lead the transformation and upgrading of the real estate finance industry. With the transformation of housing enterprises to explore the potential opportunities to share the results of the transition.
【作者单位】: 北京大学经济学院;


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