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发布时间:2018-06-25 23:51

  本文选题:感知价值 + 普通商品房 ; 参考:《南京财经大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As house prices continue to fall, home buyers are becoming more and more wait-and-see sentiment, real estate companies sales area and sales have been reduced. Most buyers will weigh the benefits, risks and costs of buying a house. But for the real estate enterprise, only grasp the consumer, let it perceive the biggest value, can realize the sales target, have the core competitive advantage. Therefore, based on perceived value, the significance of the research on the factors affecting the buyers' willingness to buy is highlighted. The real estate enterprises have a new weapon of competitive advantage to make them perceive the greatest value. Based on the theory of perceived value, this paper makes up of perceived value by perceived interest, perceived risk and purchase cost, and probes into the factors that affect consumers' purchase of ordinary commercial housing. Firstly, this paper summarizes the perception value and purchase intention and the literature related to real estate housing in detail, then puts forward the research model and hypothesis according to the theory of perceived value, and designs the scale based on previous research results and interviews. Then the scale was revised with expert interview, consumer pre-survey and small sample test, and then the formal large-scale investigation was carried out, and the reliability, factor, correlation, variance analysis and structural variance model test were carried out through the statistical software SPSS 20.0 and AMOS7.0, and the statistical software SPSS 20.0 and AMOS7.0 were used to test the reliability, factor, correlation, variance and structure variance model. In the factor analysis, the perceived interest is divided into three dimensions: perceived community interest, perceived housing interest, perceived personnel and image interest. The perceived risk is divided into financial and tenure risk, functional risk, social risk. Four dimensions of psychological risk. Finally, through empirical analysis, the following conclusions: 1: 1, perceived value is the main factor that affects consumers to buy ordinary commercial housing. Perceived value than perceived interest and perceived risk of each dimension of the impact on the purchase intention greater, and perceived community interests, perceived housing interests, perceived personnel and image interests of the impact on the purchase intention in turn weakened, financial and ownership risk. The influence of functional risk and psychological risk on purchase intention is weakened in turn. The perceived interest dimensions perceived risk dimensions and purchase cost have a significant impact on perceived value. The biggest influence is the financial and ownership risk in perceived risk, followed by perceived interest in perceived interest, and then purchase cost. Among them, perceived community interests, perceived housing interests, perceived personnel and image interests of the impact on perceived value in turn weakened, financial and ownership risks, psychological risks, The impact of functional risk on perceived value is weakened in turn. The demographic characteristics of consumers (sex, age, education, occupation, annual household income) have some significant differences in perceived benefits, perceived risks, and purchase costs. Based on perceived value, this paper comprehensively excavates the influencing factors of buyers' purchase intention, and expands the application of perceptual value theory in China's real estate industry. It provides a sharp weapon for the related real estate enterprises to own or maintain the core competitive advantage, and provides a certain reference for the improvement of their marketing strategy.


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