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发布时间:2018-06-25 22:11

  本文选题:居住绿地 + 园林植物 ; 参考:《北京林业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:北京2011年的房地产开发投资达3036.3亿元,近5年的平均增长率高达12.58%。也就是说居住用地所占城市建设用地比重大,且呈逐年增长趋势。直至2011年底,北京城市绿化覆盖率达到45.6%,居住绿地面积所占的比例越来越大,是城市绿地系统中重要的组成部分。因此居住绿地植物多样性对北京城市整体植物多样性水平及居住绿地植物景观有较大影响。对居住绿地植物多样性、影响因子及植物景观的研究,能为北京整体植物多样性规划,居住区植物景观往利于景观异质性高、城市生态系统多样化的方向发展,提供一定的参考。本文采用网格法,实地调查92个居住小区的植物多样性及其植物景观;利用SPSS分析86个小区中各社会经济因素与其植物多样性的相关性,并对社会经济因子进行DCA及PCA排序;然后结合排序结果对居住绿地植物景观进行深入研究,探讨社会经济因素对居住绿地植物景观的影响。研究结果表明: (1)北京建成区居住绿地现有植物种类315种(含变种、变型及品种),隶属87科192属。其中植物种类比中,乔木:灌木:藤本:草本为6.3:2.8:1:6.6,常绿:落叶为1:7.6,乡土与外来植物比例为1:1.4,且以草本的外来植物比例较高,达63.2%。 (2)现有植物覆盖14个地理区类型和9个地理区变型,以北温带、泛热带地区、世界分布及东亚和北美间断四个地理区类型的植物为主,所占比例分别为33.2%12.78%8.63%8.31%。 (3)优势科属中蔷薇科(Rosaceae)15.0%菊科(Compositae)6.4%禾本科(Gramineae)4.5%,三者比例高达25.9%。而应用频度较高的植物种类有油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、雪松(Cedrus deodara)、银杏(Ginkgo biloba)、国槐(Sophora japonica)、碧桃(Amygdalus persica)、紫叶李(Prunus cerasifera)等,也多以蔷薇科、菊科及禾本科植物为主。 (4)居住绿地中乔木整体多样性水平高于灌木及草本,尤其是Patrick丰富度及Simpson多样性;灌木Patrick丰富度较低,Peliou均匀度较高;而草本均匀度两极分化严重,分布极不均匀。 (5)建成年限及绿化率与居住绿地植物多样性呈显著正相关,容积率及家庭户数与植物多样性呈显著负相关,物业费及房屋类型与植物多样性呈不显著的正相关,而地理位置及房价与植物多样性没有显著的相关性。 (6)居住绿地现状平均绿地率为7.93m2,分布不均匀;绿地布局以行列式、围绕式、群点式及混合式为主;整体植物群落以乔灌草型的群落结构为主,植物景观均质化现象较为严重。 (7)随着建成年限的推进,居住区整体植物景观在材料选择、树种应用、绿地布局及功能性场所植物景观营造上有了较大提升。别墅区应用植物种类较以板楼及塔楼为主的居住区丰富且新奇,宅旁绿地比例更大,植物景观营造更精致且识别性高。而容积率低的居住区在植物景观上更注重空间的塑造,景观变化多样;容积率高的小区植物景观相对粗糙。 研究结果能为房地产开发商引导居住绿地植物多样性水平往利于城市植物多样性稳定及提升的方向发展,提供一定的参考。同时,为景观设计师在进行居住绿地植物配置时,营造植物多样性高,景观异质性高的植物景观提供新思路。
[Abstract]:The investment of real estate development in Beijing in 2011 reached 303 billion 630 million yuan, the average growth rate of nearly 5 years was up to 12.58%., that is to say, the proportion of urban construction land occupied by residential land is significant, and it is increasing year by year. Until the end of 2011, the greening coverage rate of Beijing City reached 45.6%, the proportion of living green ground accumulated more and more, it was the urban green space system. Therefore, the plant diversity of residential green space has a great influence on the overall plant diversity of Beijing city and the plant landscape of the residential green space. The study on the plant diversity, influence factors and plant landscape of the residential green space can plan for the whole plant diversity of Beijing, and the plant landscape in the residential area is good for the high landscape heterogeneity. In this paper, a grid method is used to investigate the plant diversity and plant landscape of 92 residential areas in this paper. The correlation between social economic factors and plant diversity in the 86 communities is analyzed by SPSS, and the social and economic factors are sorted by DCA and PCA. According to the result of sorting, the influence of socio-economic factors on plant landscape in residential green space was studied.
(1) there are 315 species of existing plant species (including varieties, variants and varieties) in Beijing built-up area, belonging to 87 families and 192 genera. Among them, trees: trees: shrubs: Fujimoto: herbaceous is 6.3:2.8:1:6.6, evergreen is 1:7.6, the proportion of native and exotic plants is 1:1.4, and the proportion of herbaceous exotic plants is higher, up to 63.2%.
(2) the existing plants cover 14 geographical regions and 9 geographical regions, which are mainly north temperate, pan tropical, world distribution and East Asian and North American discontinuous four geographical regions, the proportion of which is 33.2%12.78%8.63%8.31%., respectively.
(3) the dominant family of the family Rosaceae (Rosaceae) 15% Compositae (Compositae) 6.4% Gramineae (Gramineae) 4.5%, three with a high proportion of 25.9%. and high frequency of application of plant species of pine (Pinus tabulaeformis), cedar (Cedrus deodara), Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), Sophora japonica (Sophora japonica), peach fruit, purple leaf plum Fera) and so on, mainly in Rosaceae, Compositae and Gramineae.
(4) the total diversity of trees in the green space is higher than that of shrubs and herbs, especially the richness of Patrick and Simpson diversity; the richness of shrub Patrick is lower, and the uniformity of Peliou is higher, but the polarization of herbaceous uniformity is serious and the distribution is very uneven.
(5) there is a significant positive correlation between the built-up age and the greening rate and the plant diversity of the residential green space. The volume rate and household number have a significant negative correlation with the plant diversity, and there is no significant positive correlation between the property fee and the housing type and the plant diversity, but there is no significant correlation between the geographical location and the house price and the plant diversity.
(6) the average green space rate of the residential green space is 7.93m2, and the distribution is uneven. The layout of green space is mainly composed of determinant, surrounding type, group point type and mixed type; the whole plant community is dominated by the grass type grass type community structure, and the homogenization of plant landscape is more serious.
(7) with the advance of the completion years, the whole plant landscape in the residential area has been greatly improved in material selection, tree species application, green space layout and functional site plant landscape construction. The residential area with low floor area ratio pays more attention to the shaping of the space and the variety of landscape in the plant landscape. The plant landscape of the plot with high plot ratio is relatively coarse.
The research results can provide some reference for the real estate developers to guide the development of plant diversity of the residential green land to the direction of the stability and promotion of urban plant diversity. At the same time, it provides a new idea for landscape designers to build plant diversity with high plant diversity and high landscape heterogeneity.


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