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发布时间:2018-06-26 07:38

  本文选题:房地产广告营销策略 + 广告目标 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:经济的发展,城市的更新,人们对“衣食住行”提出了更高要求。伴随外商来华投资的增加,近年来大热的房地产业极大地拉动了国内经济消费,城市居民对住房的要求也更加多样化和复杂化。作为房地产开发商和消费者之间的桥梁,房地产广告营销策略的制定与实施无疑在这一对供求关系中处于最为显耀的位置。房地产广告营销策略是在广泛的调查与研究的基础上,对于房地产市场与销售个案进行分析,以决定房地产广告活动的策略和广告实施计划,进而达到广告进程的合理化和广告效果的最优化。房地产广告营销策略的制定与其它商品广告不同,它的运作有其自身独特的方式。首先,它具有区别于其它商品广告的特性:即信息包容量大、广告投放的时效性强、广告投放的地域性明显。其次,房地产广告营销策略包括的内容庞杂,需要分步骤、分时间段去完成,因此需要广告从业人员具有较强的专业素质、掌握全面的知识,才能制定出符合市场需求、促进房地产销售的广告营销策略。制定一套行之有效的房地产广告营销策略,可以增强房地产信息的辨识度、提升品牌知名度、从而促进房地产项目的销售。因此说房地产广告营销策略是一个系统的过程。 本文基于呼和浩特房地产广告营销策略的现状,通过对房地产广告营销策略的系统运作模式研究,着重探讨如何在竞争日趋激烈的环境下构建呼和浩特的房地产广告营销策略,以及对于呼和浩特房地产广告营销前景的展望,以期对呼和浩特未来的房地产广告营销策略的制定与实施做出具有实用价值的研究。本文对于呼和浩特房地产广告营销策略的研究进行了比较深刻的理论阐述,并以丰富的房地产广告实践案例进行论证,具有较强的说服力。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the renewal of city, people put forward higher requirements for "food, clothing, housing and transportation". With the increase of foreign investment in China, the booming real estate industry has greatly promoted domestic economic consumption in recent years, and the demand for housing of urban residents has become more diversified and complicated. As a bridge between real estate developers and consumers, the formulation and implementation of real estate advertising marketing strategy is undoubtedly in the most prominent position in the relationship between supply and demand. The real estate advertisement marketing strategy is based on the extensive investigation and the research, carries on the analysis to the real estate market and the sale case, in order to decide the real estate advertisement activity strategy and the advertisement implementation plan, Then the rationalization of advertising process and the optimization of advertising effects are achieved. The formulation of real estate advertising marketing strategy is different from other commodity advertising, its operation has its own unique way. First of all, it has the characteristics of being different from other commodity advertisements, that is, large information package capacity, strong timeliness of advertising, and obvious regional characteristics of advertising. Secondly, the real estate advertising marketing strategy includes a lot of content, need to be completed step by step, divided into time, therefore, advertising practitioners need to have a strong professional quality, master comprehensive knowledge, in order to formulate to meet the market needs, Advertising strategy to promote real estate sales. Making a set of effective real estate advertising marketing strategy can enhance the recognition of real estate information, enhance brand awareness, and promote the sales of real estate projects. Therefore, the real estate advertising marketing strategy is a systematic process. Based on the present situation of Huhhot's real estate advertising marketing strategy, this paper mainly discusses how to construct Huhhot's real estate advertising marketing strategy under the increasingly fierce competition by studying the system operation mode of the real estate advertising marketing strategy. And the prospect of Huhehaote real estate advertising marketing, in order to make a practical study on the formulation and implementation of Huhhot real estate advertising marketing strategy. This article has carried on the quite profound theory elaboration to the Hohhot real estate advertisement marketing strategy research, and carries on the demonstration with the rich real estate advertisement practice case, has the strong persuasion.


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