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发布时间:2018-06-30 03:44

  本文选题:房地产 + 营销环境 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着中国经济的高速持续发展和人民收入的稳定持续增长,我国的房地产行业也步入了高速发展阶段,房地产行业已逐渐成为中国经济的支柱产业,同时房地产行业也逐渐变得成熟规范起来,随之而来的房地产行业内部的激烈竞争,将迫使房地产行业把房地产的营销策略研究上升到企业发展的战略高度,也就是要求房地产行业从以生产为导向,转变为以消费者和社会为导向;从之前简单的销售、促销转变为系统性的全程营销。 房地产营销具有全面性、系统性等特点,完整策划出一套房地产营销方案,首先需要相关营销理论作为基础,其次需要各种营销手段配合使用,还需要在此基础上不断创新,从了解市场、熟悉市场到市场推广这一系列的过程中,不断重视消费者这一核心内容,把之前以营销作为着力点转向注重服务发展,使房地产营销走向全面化。 本论文是在当前国家关于房地产政策不断出台、宏观调控不断干预的情况下,,以TF房地产公司Y项目为对象,通过PEST方法模型从政治、经济、社会文化三个方面对Y项目的外部营销环境进行了具体分析;运用SWOT分析法具体分析了Y项目的优势、劣势、机会和威胁;通过STP方法对Y项目的目标市场选择定位;最后运用“4P”理论从产品、价格、促销、渠道四个方面结合TF房地产公司的特点与现状构建出了一套科学的营销手段,并利用体验营销策略进行营销方法创新。希望本文对TF房地产公司Y项目甚至其它房地产项目可以起到一定的指导作用。
[Abstract]:With the rapid and sustained development of China's economy and the steady and sustained growth of people's income, the real estate industry of our country has also stepped into the stage of rapid development, and the real estate industry has gradually become the pillar industry of China's economy. At the same time, the real estate industry has gradually become mature and standardized. The fierce competition within the real estate industry will force the real estate industry to raise the research on the marketing strategy of real estate to the strategic level of enterprise development. That is to say, the real estate industry should change from production-oriented to consumer-oriented and social-oriented, from simple sales and promotion to systematic marketing. Real estate marketing has the characteristics of comprehensiveness and systematicness. To plan a whole set of real estate marketing schemes, we need first of all the relevant marketing theories as the basis, secondly, we need all kinds of marketing means to cooperate with use, and we also need to innovate constantly on this basis. In the process of understanding the market, getting familiar with the market and promoting the market, we should pay more attention to the core content of the consumer, turn the marketing as the focus to the service development, and make the real estate marketing more comprehensive. This paper is in the current state on the real estate policy, macroeconomic regulation and control of the situation of continuous intervention, taking TF real estate company Y project as the object, through pest method model from the political, economic, This paper analyzes the external marketing environment of Y project from three aspects of social culture, analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Y project by using SWOT analysis method, orientates the target market of Y project by STP method. Finally, a set of scientific marketing means is constructed from four aspects of product, price, promotion and channel by using "4p" theory combined with the characteristics and present situation of TF real estate company, and the marketing method is innovated by means of experience marketing strategy. Hope this paper can play a guiding role to TF real estate company Y project and even other real estate projects.


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