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发布时间:2018-06-30 08:27

  本文选题:房地产周期 + 商业模式评价 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前,经济快速发展,市场变化莫测,企业之间的竞争激烈,企业发展面临着巨大的挑战。成功的商业模式能够让企业在竞争中获得优势,备受企业家青睐,不仅如此,商业模式也成为学者们研究的热点。商业模式评价作为商业模式研究的重要领域之一,可以让企业发现自身已有商业模式的不足与优点,不断进行优化完善,操作性也较强。房地产业是服务型企业,而国内外学者对服务型企业却很少进行商业模式评价的研究,在此研究领域的研究成果较少甚至为空白,为此本文对房地产上市公司商业模式进行评价不但可以填补商业模式评价研究领域的空白,而且可以发现房地产公司商业模式存在的不足之处,并予以改正,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。 本文首先系统地论述了国内外学者关于商业模式评价、商业模式定义、商业模式构成要素、商业模式分类、房地产周期理论的研究现状及成果,并结合房地产周期的一般波动过程划分出了1996年至2011年时间序列下我国房地产周期的三个阶段:复苏阶段、繁荣阶段、衰退阶段。通过学习和借鉴国内外学者对商业模式评价指标体系的研究成果,并结合我国房地产实际情况,科学、全面选取评价指标,本文构建了复苏阶段房地产上市公司商业模式评价指标体系、繁荣阶段房地产上市公司商业模式评价指标体系、衰退阶段房地产上市公司商业模式评价指标体系。本文选取衰退阶段房地产上市公司商业模式进行综合评价,最终确定了四家房地产样本公司作为研究对象。 接着,本文运用层次分析法求解出房地产上市公司商业模式评价体系中各指标的权重。通过调查问卷的发放与回收获取定性指标的数据,并对问卷进行信度和效度检验,结果表明问卷具有较高的信度和效度,通过了信度和效度检验;通过查询上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所网站中上市公司年报,本文获取了定量指标的数据。根据获取的数据运用模糊数学法计算出定性指标与定量指标的最终得分,接下来,对四家样本公司商业模式各指标最终得分加权求和,得出四家样本公司商业模式各自的综合得分。 最终,,通过计算四家样本公司商业模式评价体系中各指标的差异值,确定了各样本公司商业模式各级指标的改进顺序,发现我国房地产上市公司的商业模式存在的一些问题并进行分析,提出完善房地产上市公司商业模式的对策和建议,如:提出正确的价值主张、提高公司的运营能力、改善公司的财务状况、积极实施战略、加强员工培训等。
[Abstract]:At present, with the rapid development of economy, the unpredictable market and the fierce competition between enterprises, the development of enterprises is facing enormous challenges. Successful business model enables enterprises to gain advantages in the competition, and is favored by entrepreneurs. Not only that, business model has also become a hot research topic for scholars. As one of the important fields of business model research, business model evaluation can enable enterprises to find the shortcomings and advantages of their existing business models, optimize and perfect continuously, and have strong maneuverability. The real estate industry is a service-oriented enterprise, but the domestic and foreign scholars seldom study the business model evaluation of service-oriented enterprises, and the research results in this field are few or even blank. Therefore, this paper not only can fill up the blank in the field of business model evaluation, but also can find the deficiency of real estate company business model and correct it. It has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper first systematically discusses the current situation and achievements of domestic and foreign scholars on business model evaluation, business model definition, business model elements, business model classification, real estate cycle theory. Combined with the general fluctuation process of the real estate cycle, the paper divides the three stages of China's real estate cycle from 1996 to 2011: recovery, prosperity and recession. By studying and drawing lessons from the research results of domestic and foreign scholars on the evaluation index system of business model, and combining with the actual situation of real estate in our country, we can scientifically select the evaluation index in an all-round way. This paper constructs the evaluation index system of commercial model of real estate listed companies in the recovery stage, the commercial model evaluation index system of the real estate listed companies in the boom stage, and the commercial model evaluation index system of the real estate listed companies in the recession period. In this paper, four real estate sample companies are selected for comprehensive evaluation of the business model of listed real estate companies in the recession stage, and finally, four real estate sample companies are selected as the research object. Then, this paper uses analytic hierarchy process to calculate the weight of each index in the evaluation system of real estate listed companies' business model. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire are tested by issuing and retrieving the qualitative data. The results show that the questionnaire has high reliability and validity and has passed the reliability and validity test. By consulting the annual reports of listed companies on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the quantitative index data are obtained in this paper. According to the obtained data, the final score of qualitative index and quantitative index is calculated by using fuzzy mathematics method. Then, the final score of each index of the business model of four sample companies is weighted. The comprehensive scores of each of the four sample companies were obtained. Finally, by calculating the different values of each index in the evaluation system of business model of four sample companies, the improvement order of the index at all levels of the business model of each sample company is determined. This paper finds out some problems existing in the commercial model of real estate listed companies in our country and analyzes them, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to perfect the commercial models of listed real estate companies, such as: putting forward correct value proposition and improving the operation ability of the companies. Improve the company's financial situation, actively implement strategies, strengthen staff training, etc.


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