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发布时间:2018-07-03 18:56

  本文选题:商品房预售 + 预售中的风险 ; 参考:《山西大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近几年来,房地产业逐渐成为我国国民经济中重要的经济力量,商品房购买力的大小已成为经济增长的新热点。面对着房地产市场巨大的购买力和高额利润的诱惑力,使得越来越多的开发商将资金集中到了商品房销售领域。而商品房预售制度自从上世纪90年代引入我国内地以来,经过20多年的发展,已经与现房销售一并成为我国房地产交易市场中两个主要的房屋销售形式,对于进一步推动我国房地产市场的繁荣发展发挥了巨大作用。然而,由于商品房预售的标的物是未建成的房屋,与现房销售相比,预购者承受着更多的风险。而且,由于我国房地产相关法律规范不健全,以致在某些方面存在着严重侵害预购人权益的问题,实践中涉及商品房预售的诉讼案件数量也是居高不下。因此,如何加强对商品房预购人合法利益的保护,对于我国商品房预售制度中相关法律法规的完善,商品房预售市场的规范有着重要意义。 本文主要由引言、正文和结语三部分构成。其中正文又分为三部分: 第一部分介绍我国商品房预售中存在的一些法律风险,主要从商品房预售市场中的恶意欺诈、定金陷阱、商品房预售合同中的格式条款、预购房屋的质量问题等方面,通过案例的形式进行论述。 第二部分对我国商品房预售市场中导致这些风险的原因进行介绍。主要包括双方在经济实力上的不对称、在房屋信息掌握上的不对称、对开发商的监管不力,以及法律制度存在缺陷等方面。 第三部分是对商品房预售中,预购人风险预防机制如何建立提出的一些建议。主要包括建立和完善商品房预售中的信息披露制度、充分发挥国家在宏观调控中的作用、商品房预购人自我防范意识的提升等内容。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the real estate industry has gradually become an important economic force in our national economy, and the purchasing power of commercial housing has become a new focus of economic growth. Faced with the huge purchasing power of real estate market and the temptation of high profit, more and more developers concentrate their funds in the field of commercial housing sales. Since the introduction of the pre-sale system of commercial housing into the mainland of China in the 1990s, after more than 20 years of development, it has become the two main forms of housing sales in the real estate market of our country together with the real estate sales. To further promote the prosperity of the real estate market in China has played a huge role. However, because the subject matter of the pre-sale of commercial housing is the uncompleted house, the advance buyer bears more risks than the present house. Moreover, due to the imperfect laws and regulations related to real estate in our country, there is a serious problem of encroaching on the rights and interests of pre-purchasers in some aspects, and the number of litigation cases involving the advance sale of commercial housing is also high in practice. Therefore, how to strengthen the protection of the legitimate interests of commercial housing buyers is of great significance to the improvement of the relevant laws and regulations in the system of commercial housing pre-sale and the regulation of the pre-sale market of commercial housing. This paper is mainly composed of three parts: introduction, text and conclusion. The text is divided into three parts: the first part introduces some legal risks existing in the advance sale of commercial housing in China, mainly from the malicious fraud in the market of commercial housing pre-sale, the deposit trap, the format clauses in the pre-sale contract of commercial housing. The quality of pre-purchase housing and other aspects, through the form of cases to discuss. The second part introduces the causes of these risks in the market of commercial housing in China. It mainly includes the asymmetry of the economic strength of both sides, the asymmetry of the house information, the weak supervision of the developers, and the defects of the legal system. The third part is some suggestions on how to establish the risk prevention mechanism. It mainly includes the establishment and improvement of the information disclosure system in the advance sale of commercial housing, the full play of the role of the state in the macro-control, and the promotion of self-prevention consciousness of the prospective buyers of commercial housing.


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