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发布时间:2018-07-04 12:20

  本文选题:淮南矿业集团 + 发展战略 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:淮南矿业集团是国家规划建设的13个亿吨级煤炭生产基地和6个煤电基地之一,在煤电能源领域起着至关重要的作用,为华东地区煤电能源的稳定发挥着重要作用。随着全球金融危机的进一步蔓延和中国经济增速的放缓,国家调整经济结构、提高发展质量战略进一步深化。煤炭市场低迷各大煤企间的竞争加剧,煤炭企业发展的战略环境发生了重大变化。作为资源型企业的煤炭企业,随着煤炭价格的持续下跌,加之雾霾天气的蔓延等导致的环境保护压力增大,京津等地区降煤限煤措施将成为一种趋势,钢铁水泥等产能过剩的高污染高耗能企业成为产业结构调整的重点。在当前严峻的形势下,煤炭企业通过科学的战略环境分析选择适合自身实际的发展战略来转变经济增长方式,加快产业结构调整,实现战略转型,是煤炭企业的必要选择。 本文采用实证分析与规范分析相结合的方法,以煤炭企业的特点为出发点,运用战略管理理论,着重以多元化战略理论分析了煤炭企业战略研究的必要性,研究并制定了淮南矿业发展战略,在分析了淮南矿业自身的优势、劣势以及外部的机遇与挑战的基础上,提出了淮南矿业的发展战略应选择稳定增长型战略。在立足煤电基地的基础上,稳步拓展多元化产业。在调整经济结构转型的大背景下,大力发展电力、物流、金融、房地产、技术服务等非煤产业,以实现淮南矿业的可持续发展。最后就战略措施的实施以及战略实施的保障体系等方面提出了自己的看法。 论文共分为五个部分:首先简要介绍选题的背景与研究意义,其次对企业战略和多元化发展理论进行了简要表述,第三部分是对企业的外部和内部环境进行分析,第四部分是对企业发展战略的分析,最后是对企业发展战略实施的阐述。
[Abstract]:Huainan Mining Group is one of the 13 billion ton coal production bases and 6 coal power bases planned by the state. It plays an important role in the field of coal and electricity energy and plays an important role in the stability of coal and electricity energy in East China. With the further spread of the global financial crisis and the slowdown of China's economic growth, the strategy of adjusting the economic structure and improving the quality of development has been further deepened. The coal market is in the doldrums and the competition among the major coal enterprises has intensified, and the strategic environment for the development of the coal enterprises has undergone significant changes. As a resource-based enterprise, coal enterprises, with the continuous decline of coal prices and the environmental protection pressure caused by the spread of haze weather, will become a trend to reduce coal restrictions in Beijing and Tianjin and other areas. High pollution and high energy consumption enterprises, such as iron, steel and cement, have become the focus of industrial structure adjustment. Under the severe situation, it is a necessary choice for coal enterprises to change the mode of economic growth, speed up the adjustment of industrial structure and realize the strategic transformation through scientific strategic environment analysis. This paper adopts the method of combining empirical analysis and normative analysis, taking the characteristics of coal enterprises as the starting point, using the theory of strategic management, focusing on the diversification strategy theory to analyze the necessity of the strategic research of coal enterprises. This paper studies and formulates the development strategy of Huainan mining industry, and on the basis of analyzing the advantages, disadvantages and external opportunities and challenges of Huainan mining industry, puts forward that the development strategy of Huainan mining industry should choose the stable growth strategy. On the basis of coal-power base, steadily expand diversified industries. In order to realize the sustainable development of Huainan mining industry, non-coal industries such as electric power, logistics, finance, real estate and technical services should be developed under the background of restructuring economic structure. Finally, the author puts forward his own views on the implementation of strategic measures and the guarantee system of strategic implementation. The thesis is divided into five parts: firstly, it briefly introduces the background and research significance of the selected topic, secondly, briefly describes the enterprise strategy and diversification development theory. The third part analyzes the external and internal environment of the enterprise. The fourth part is the analysis of the enterprise development strategy, and the last part is the exposition of the implementation of the enterprise development strategy.


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