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发布时间:2018-07-04 18:18

  本文选题:情势变更 + 商业风险 ; 参考:《四川省社会科学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:情势变更原则是现代民法中的重要制度,情势变更原则的适用,体现了法律的公平正义精神,是合同当事人在特定情况下所享有的重要的法律救济手段。最高人民法院出台的《关于适用中华人民共和国合同法若干问题的解释(二)》中,第26条规定:“合同成立以后客观情况发生了当事人在订立合同时无法预见的、非不可抗力造成的不属于商业风险的重大变化,,继续履行合同对于一方当事人明显不公平或者不能实现合同目的,当事人请求人民法院变更或者解除合同的,人民法院应当根据公平原则,并结合案件的实际情况确定是否变更或者解除。”该条虽然确立了情势变更原则,但并未对其规定明确的适用标准,导致情势变更原则在我国司法实践的适用中操作困难,其缺失的适用要件导致了适用该原则的弹性空间增大,法官的自由裁量权容易受到滥用。 近年来,需要适用情势变更原则的案件量井喷,尤其自2009年开始,国务院出台了一系列规定以调控我国房地产市场,因此,情势变更原则在商品房预售合同中的适用案例如雨后春笋般涌现。 本文以新政策出台所引起的商品房预售合同纠纷的涌现为背景,提出了我国商品房预售合同中适用情势变更原则所遭受的困境和我国对情势变更原则作出规定的法律法规的不完善之处,通过比较分析,以期为情势变更的立法完善提出些许建议。本文第一章阐述了情势变更原则的理论基础,论述了情势变更原则的概念以及构成要件;第二章阐述了情势变更原则的起源与发展,并分析了其在域内域外的立法现状,尤其分析了我国当前的立法现状,为发现我国立法不完善之处进行铺垫;第三章介绍了商品房预售合同的概念、特征等,论述了情势变更与不可抗力、商业风险、显示公平的认定与区别,并且分析了情势变更原则适用的法律效果;第四章详细分析了我国当前有关情势变更原则立法和司法的现状以及所遭受的困境,然后根据其不完善之处提出引入当事人的再交涉义务、规定当事人合同变更权与解除权的适用层次、清晰情势变更原则适用范围、限制法官自由裁量权等相关的完善建议。
[Abstract]:The principle of change of circumstances is an important system in modern civil law. The application of the principle of change of circumstances reflects the spirit of fairness and justice of law and is an important means of legal relief enjoyed by the parties to a contract under certain circumstances. In the interpretation of certain issues concerning the Application of the contract Law of the people's Republic of China issued by the Supreme people's Court (2), Article 26 states: "after the establishment of the contract, the objective circumstances of the parties are unforeseeable when they conclude the contract," If a major change that is not a commercial risk caused by force majeure continues to be performed to a party who is manifestly unfair to one party or who fails to achieve the purpose of the contract, if the party requests the people's court to change or rescind the contract, The people's court shall, in accordance with the principle of fairness and in the light of the actual circumstances of the case, determine whether to alter or terminate the case. " Although the principle of change of circumstances is established in this article, it does not provide a clear standard of application, which leads to the difficulty of the application of the principle of change of circumstances in judicial practice in our country, and the lack of applicable elements leads to the increase of flexibility in the application of the principle. The judge's discretion is vulnerable to abuse. In recent years, the number of cases that need to be applied to the principle of situation change has been blowout. Especially since 2009, the State Council has issued a series of regulations to regulate the real estate market in China. The principle of change of circumstances in the commercial housing pre-sale contract applicable cases sprang up like bamboo shoots. The background of this paper is the emergence of disputes over the pre-sale contract of commercial housing caused by the new policy. This paper puts forward the difficulties encountered by the application of the principle of change of circumstances in the pre-sale contract of commercial housing in our country and the imperfections of laws and regulations concerning the principle of change of circumstances in our country, and through comparative analysis, In order to improve the legislative changes of circumstances to put forward some suggestions. The first chapter expounds the theoretical basis of the principle of change of circumstances, discusses the concept of the principle of change of circumstances and its constituent elements, the second chapter expounds the origin and development of the principle of change of circumstances, and analyzes the present situation of legislation outside the territory. The third chapter introduces the concept and characteristics of the pre-sale contract of commercial housing, discusses the situation change, force majeure, commercial risk, etc. It also analyzes the legal effect of the application of the principle of change of circumstances. The fourth chapter analyzes in detail the current situation of legislation and judicature of the principle of change of circumstances in China and the difficulties encountered by it. Then according to its imperfections, the author puts forward some relevant suggestions, such as introducing the parties' renegotiation obligations, defining the applicable levels of the parties' right to change the contract and the right of rescission, clarifying the scope of application of the principle of change of circumstances, limiting the discretion of the judge, and so on.


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