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发布时间:2018-07-04 20:56

  本文选题:城中村改造 + 利益主体 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:城中村,顾名思义,,是城市中的农村,也是一个典型意义上的“问题村”,是在经济快速发展、城市化进程迅猛推进以及社会转型的过程中由于制度真空及法律法规不健全等原因而形成的。城中村的出现所带来的环境、管理等一系列的社会和经济问题给城市的健康发展带来隐患,已严重阻碍了城市化的进程,是全面建设小康社会中国梦的一大瓶颈。因此,对城中村的改造成为了我国各城市的当务之急,同时也是城市化进程中必须完成的任务之一。 城中村改造过程中存在着诸多难题,如改造资金、村民的社会保障、城中村土地资产量化等问题,在这些难题当中都相应地涉及到利益分配问题,而由利益分配所引发的相关利益主体的矛盾冲突成为城中村改造中的中心问题,这个问题解决的不好,城中村的改造也就难以顺利进行下去。 在城中村改造过程中所涉及的主要利益主体有代表公共利益的政府部门、代表私人部门的房地产开发商以及代表个体利益的村民,这三类利益主体因利益诉求的不同导致在城中村改造过程、村庄内部和外部中相互交锋和博弈。而由于政府在城中村改造过程中的角色定位不准确,再者加上村民弱势群体的不利和相关法律法规的缺失导致这场博弈的游戏有愈演愈烈之势。因此,为了缓和各利益主体的利益冲突,同时兼顾各方利益,必须构建城中村利益冲突化解机制。首先,应科学合理的界定三方利益;其次,准确定位政府在城中村改造中的角色;再次,增强村民的利益博弈能力;最后,加快完善相关法律法规和政策。以上对策若形成合力,将可以最大限度的缓和政府、村民以及房地产开发商之间的矛盾,更有利于城中村改造的顺利进行和和谐社会的建设。
[Abstract]:The village in the city, as its name implies, is the rural area in the city, and it is also a typical "problem village" in the sense of rapid economic development. The process of urbanization is advancing rapidly and the process of social transformation is formed because of institutional vacuum and imperfect laws and regulations. A series of social and economic problems, such as environment, management and so on, bring hidden trouble to the healthy development of the city, which has seriously hindered the process of urbanization and is a major bottleneck in the construction of a well-off society in an all-round way. Therefore, the transformation of villages in cities has become an urgent task for cities in our country, and it is also one of the tasks that must be completed in the process of urbanization. There are many problems in the process of rebuilding villages in cities, such as funds for reconstruction, social security of villagers, quantification of land assets of villages in cities, and so on. But the contradiction and conflict caused by the distribution of interests has become the central problem in the transformation of the village in the city, which is not solved well, and the transformation of the village in the city is difficult to carry on smoothly. The main stakeholders involved in the transformation of villages in cities include government departments representing the public interest, real estate developers representing the private sector and villagers representing individual interests. Because of the different interest demands, these three kinds of interest subjects interact and play each other in the process of village transformation in the city, inside and outside the village. Because the role of the government in the process of the transformation of villages in the city is not accurate, coupled with the disadvantage of the disadvantaged groups of villagers and the lack of relevant laws and regulations, the game of the game has become increasingly fierce. Therefore, in order to alleviate the conflicts of interest of all stakeholders and to give consideration to the interests of all parties, it is necessary to construct a mechanism to resolve the conflicts of interests of the villages in the city. First, we should define the interests of the three parties scientifically and reasonably; secondly, accurately position the role of the government in the transformation of villages in the city; thirdly, enhance the ability of the villagers to play games; finally, speed up the improvement of relevant laws, regulations and policies. If the above countermeasures form a joint force, it will ease the contradictions between the government, villagers and real estate developers to the maximum extent, and is more conducive to the smooth progress of the transformation of villages in the city and the construction of a harmonious society.


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