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发布时间:2018-07-05 03:47

  本文选题:工作流程 + 资产管理信息系统 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当今科学技术发展迅猛,各种新技术层出不穷,电子信息化时代早已到来,特别是以计算机为基础的网络信息技术已经被人们广泛应用到生活、工作当中,为社会的发展和人类的进步有着重要价值。谁能更快更准确的掌握更关键的信息,谁就能拥有更多的竞争优势。 随着企业信息化的快速发展,决定房地产企业竞争力高低的因素已转变为企业对信息的获取和处理能力的强弱。房地产资产管理系统可有效地减少企业的人力、财力和物力,提高工作效率,从而达到增强企业的市场竞争力和提高企业的经济效益的目的。房地产公司资产管理信息系统包括采购管理、资产管理、库存管理、资产维护管理及安全管理等模块。对于房地产公司管理员来说,其工作内容繁杂多样,,信息管理也复杂混乱,因此需要一套高效、安全的房地产公司资产管理系统软件来帮助他们更加快捷、方便、高效、准确的完成相关工作。 论文从项目背景出发,介绍了系统开发的背景和研究价值。阐述了工作流的基本概念和特点,以及工作流管理系统的相关知识。该项目以计算机网络为基础,运用到了软件工程、软件开发过程、软件测试、Java、J2EE框架等知识。通过对实际需求分析、设计、编码、测试,严格按照软件工程流程实现了房地产公司资产管理信息系统。该信息系统主要包括了资产采购、验收、入库、领用、退回、报废、台帐维护、型号维护、厂家维护及公共子模块几大模块功能,能够满足用户一定的实际需求。系统能够实现信息管理无纸化、规范化、高效化、透明化。 该系统在现实生活工作中有着实际价值,能够帮助房地产公司管理人员可靠、高效、快速的完成房地产公司管理工作,节省了大量的人力物力资源,简化了管理人员工作,使管理更加规范化、科技化。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology and the emergence of various new technologies, the era of electronic information has long arrived, especially the network information technology based on computer has been widely used in life and work. For the development of society and human progress has important value. Who can grasp the more critical information faster and more accurately, who can have more competitive advantage. With the rapid development of enterprise informatization, the factors that determine the competitiveness of real estate enterprises have changed into the ability of obtaining and processing information. Real estate asset management system can effectively reduce the manpower, financial and material resources of enterprises, improve the efficiency of work, and thus achieve the purpose of enhancing the market competitiveness of enterprises and improving the economic benefits of enterprises. Real estate company asset management information system includes purchasing management, asset management, inventory management, asset maintenance management and security management modules. For real estate company administrators, the contents of their work are complex and diverse, and the information management is also complex and chaotic. Therefore, they need a set of efficient and secure real estate company asset management system software to help them more quickly, conveniently and efficiently. Complete the related work accurately. From the background of the project, the paper introduces the background and research value of the system development. The basic concept and characteristics of workflow and the related knowledge of workflow management system are expounded. The project is based on computer network and applies to software engineering, software development process, software testing and Java J2EE framework. By analyzing, designing, coding and testing the actual requirements, a real estate company asset management information system is implemented in strict accordance with the software engineering process. The information system mainly includes asset purchasing, acceptance, storage, receiving, returning, scrapping, account maintenance, model maintenance, factory maintenance and common sub-module, which can meet the actual needs of users. The system can realize paperless, standardized, efficient and transparent information management. This system has practical value in the real life work, can help the real estate company manager to complete the real estate company management work reliably, efficiently, quickly, has saved a lot of manpower and material resources, simplified the management staff work, Make management more standardized, scientific and technological.


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