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发布时间:2018-07-05 04:14

  本文选题:房地产融资 + 永续债 ; 参考:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The real estate industry is an important pillar industry of the national economy, which occupies a particularly important role in the social life. The financing problem has been an important problem puzzling the real estate enterprises all the time. From the point of view of the internal capital structure of the enterprise, the excessive use of financial leverage by real estate enterprises leads to a high debt ratio, which hinders the refinancing ability of the enterprises; from the external financing environment, the state policy controls and controls, and the scale of bank credit shrinks. The real estate trust restriction makes the financing problem become the bottleneck which restricts the healthy development of the real estate industry in our country. Therefore, how to widen the financing channels, increase the cash flow, stabilize the asset-liability ratio and optimize the capital structure of the enterprise become one of the most important problems to be solved in the real estate industry. At this time, sustainable debt emerged as a mezzanine financing tool, with the dual attributes of "equity" and "creditor's rights" at the same time. This new type of financing method is seldom studied in China. This paper selects the company with the largest issuance of sustainable debt of A-share real estate enterprises as a case to study the financing behavior of sustainable debt issued by A-share real estate enterprises. This paper first introduces the background and significance of the research, as well as the current situation of the real estate industry in China, financing methods and problems in the financing process, then introduces the sustainable debt, introduces its development history, basic concepts, Features and current distribution situation in China. After that, the author combined with the case of the first real estate issuance of sustainable debt, the issue process of sustainable debt, clause design for a comprehensive description, combined with the relevant laws and regulations in-depth analysis of sustainable debt accounting, tax treatment. Then, according to the development strategy of the first stock and the financial situation in recent years, the author analyzes the motivation of issuing sustainable debt, including replenishing the capital of the enterprise, reducing the ratio of assets and liabilities, improving the credit rating, and so on. In the process of case analysis, the author also analyzes the differences in cost, income and risk among sustainable debt financing, debt financing and equity financing, and studies the market effect of issuing sustainable debt by event analysis. Finally, the paper analyzes the impact of the initial issue of sustainable debt on the enterprise. Through case analysis, the author summarizes the advantages of real estate enterprises in issuing sustainable debt and the problems to be solved in practical application, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. It provides useful reference and reference for the enterprises that try to use the financing of sustainable debt to explore the healthy development of sustainable debt.


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