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发布时间:2018-07-05 06:33

  本文选题:“中海天悦府”项目 + 项目策划 ; 参考:《山东建筑大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产业作为国民经济的重要增长点,具有回收周期长、资金投资额度大等特点。目前房地产行业发展迅速,其市场趋于激烈的竞争状态,如何在激烈的竞争环境下有效降低房地产项目运作的风险,增强项目的利润率和成功率,是当下理论研究者和开发商重点研究的问题。 事实证明,一个成功的项目时常可以造就一个成功的企业。因此,项目策划作为房地产开发实施运作前的先导者,越来越受到房地产开发企业的重视及关注。普遍认为,房地产项目开发前期的工作(占项目总工作量的20%)将决定项目总工程造价80%,这即为经常提及的帕累托(Pareto)分布。因此,一份成功的房地产策划报告对于项目开发所具有的引领指导作用无疑已成为房地产开发商和高层管理者的共识。 本文基于房地产项目策划相关理论的研究,并充分结合区域市场及项目自身的特点,以中海天悦府社区项目为例,探讨了房地产项目策划。文章主要通过以下几点对全文进行了重点诠释: 第一,对房地产策划过程中的相关理论进行了系统阐述,包括运作房地产项目所需的系统观、项目策划的涵义及内容,房地产策划的内涵及流程以及其结构体系。 第二,重点分析了中海天悦府项目的市场环境,包括项目概况,项目的宏观经济和社会环境,济南房地产行业发展环境及项目区域内竞争对手的情况,并对项目做了详细的SWOT分析。 第三,主要对中海天悦府项目定位和规划设计进行了讨论,包括天悦府的客户与项目定位,项目规划原则和规划构思。 第四,主要对中海天悦府项目的营销策划进行了分析研究,包括项目营销策划目标与入市时机,项目营销策略,项目营销阶段划分和营销执行控制。 本文的实践研究的内容和程序具有普遍意义,有助于其他开发类似项目对市场情况客观地分析,对区域市场走势做出合理预测,对营销策略进行借鉴,切实提高项目运作能力,从而为增加项目开发的成功率提供了重要的参考与借鉴。
[Abstract]:As an important growth point of national economy, real estate industry has the characteristics of long recovery period and large capital investment quota. At present, the real estate industry is developing rapidly, and its market tends to be in a state of fierce competition. How to effectively reduce the risk of real estate project operation and enhance the profit margin and success rate of the project under the fierce competition environment, Is the current theoretical researchers and developers focus on the issue. It turns out that a successful project can often lead to a successful enterprise. Therefore, project planning, as the forerunner before the implementation of real estate development, has been paid more and more attention by real estate development enterprises. It is generally believed that the work in the early stage of the development of real estate projects (accounting for 20% of the total workload of the project) will determine the total project cost 80%, which is the Pareto distribution that is often mentioned. Therefore, a successful real estate planning report has a leading and guiding role in project development, which has undoubtedly become the consensus of real estate developers and senior managers. Based on the research of the theory of real estate project planning and the characteristics of regional market and project itself, this paper discusses the real estate project planning with the example of Zhonghai Tianyue House community project. The article mainly through the following points to the full text of the key interpretation: first, the real estate planning process of the relevant theories are systematically elaborated, including the operation of real estate projects needed system view, The meaning and content of project planning, the connotation and process of real estate planning and its structure system. Secondly, it analyzes the market environment of Zhonghai Tianyuefu project, including the general situation of the project, the macroeconomic and social environment of the project, the development environment of the real estate industry in Jinan and the situation of the competitors in the project area. And made a detailed SWOT analysis of the project. Thirdly, this paper mainly discusses the positioning and planning design of Zhonghai Tianyue House project, including its customers and project positioning, project planning principles and planning ideas. Fourth, it mainly analyzes and studies the marketing planning of the Zhonghai Tianyue Office project, including the project marketing planning goal and the market entry time, the project marketing strategy, the project marketing stage division and the marketing executive control. The content and procedure of the practical research in this paper is of universal significance, which is helpful for other similar projects to objectively analyze the market situation, to make reasonable prediction on the regional market trend, to draw lessons from the marketing strategy, and to improve the project operation ability. Therefore, it provides an important reference for increasing the success rate of project development.


相关期刊论文 前1条

1 黄福新;房地产策划模式及其适用性[J];城市开发;2003年03期




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