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发布时间:2018-07-05 07:38

  本文选题:价值工程 + 精装修 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产行业是我国国民经济的支柱产业之一,近年来,随着人民生活水平的日益提高以及改善生活水平的迫切需求,人们越来越不满足于购买传统的毛坯房。因为购房者在购买了毛坯房后,还要自己进行大量的精装修工作。在加上后期的购买家具和软装等等事宜,使本来工作压力就很大的现代人难免顾此失彼。因此,买一套精装房无疑就是最好的选择了。精装房省时省力,只要自己买些家具,马上就可以拎包入住。据有关媒体报道,短短几年的时间,精装房已经占到房地产市场的60%以上,在北京,上海等一线城市甚至已经占到了八成左右。 在我国大规模开发精装房项目的同时,开发商为了节省成本,加快进度,从而降低精装修质量,甚至个别项目以次充好,使针对精装房的投诉,也已经成为现在社会上一个热点话题。本文所研究的目的,就是力图使用价值工程的理论,找到开发商和购房者在价值取向和可接受程度上的平衡点,进一步提高精装房的项目管理水平。 在论文的第一部分中,将首先介绍研究题目的形成及意义,结合论文作者本人的工作实际,确定本文的研究思路等。在第二部分中,将介绍价值工程发展,特点,概念及基本理论,以及在国内外的研究现状。第三部分,介绍了房地产项目价格和价值的基本内容,成本,价格以及价值的关系。第四部分,将介绍在现阶段的住宅精装项目中成本管理的现状,并寻找解决问题的途径,提出利用价值工程解决问题的优势。第五部分,重点研究利用价值工程的理论解决实际工程中的实际问题。将主要列举价值工程在方案设计选择,材料选择,及施工管理等方面的应用,通过价值工程的定量分析,找到开发商和购房者在价值取向和可接受程度方面的平衡点。这一部分也是本文的重点之所在。将通过一个工程实例,具体分析了利用价值工程解决工程实际问题的方法和过程。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry is one of the pillar industries of our national economy. In recent years, with the increasing improvement of the people's living standard and the urgent need to improve the living standard, people are more and more dissatisfied with the purchase of traditional rough houses. Because buyers in the purchase of rough houses, but also a large number of fine decoration work. In addition to the late purchase of furniture and soft wear and other matters, so that the pressure on the work of modern people inevitably ignore one another. Therefore, buying a hardcover room is undoubtedly the best choice. Hardcover room saves time and effort, as long as oneself buy some furniture, can carry bag to check in immediately. According to media reports, hardcover houses have accounted for more than 60% of the real estate market in just a few years, and even about 80% in first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. While developing the hardcover room project on a large scale in our country, in order to save costs and speed up the progress, thus reducing the quality of fine decoration, and even making individual projects inferior, the complaints against the hardcover room can be made. It has also become a hot topic in the society. The purpose of this paper is to use the theory of value engineering to find the balance point between developers and buyers in value orientation and acceptable degree, and to further improve the project management level of hardcover house. In the first part of the thesis, the author first introduces the formation and significance of the research topic, and determines the research ideas of this paper in the light of the author's actual work. In the second part, we will introduce the development, characteristics, concepts and basic theories of value engineering, as well as the current research situation at home and abroad. The third part introduces the basic content, cost, price and value relationship of real estate project price and value. The fourth part will introduce the present situation of the cost management in the residential hardcover project at present, and find the way to solve the problem, and put forward the advantage of using the value engineering to solve the problem. The fifth part focuses on using the theory of value engineering to solve practical problems. This paper mainly enumerates the application of value engineering in project design selection, material selection, construction management and so on. Through the quantitative analysis of value engineering, the balance point of value orientation and acceptability between developers and buyers is found. This part is also the focus of this paper. Through an engineering example, the method and process of using value engineering to solve practical engineering problems are analyzed in detail.


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