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发布时间:2018-07-05 07:51

  本文选题:房地产 + 项目时间管理 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper is based on the actual time management of Jiangshan Project in the North Bank developed by Chongqing Guoxing Real Estate Co., Ltd., aiming at the non-standard and immature status quo of the time management of the real estate development project in China. By citing the knowledge of project management and the theory of project time management, according to the background of project time management, the theoretical concept and the main contents of the project, this paper analyzes the reasons for the serious consequences of the project time management out of control. Unify the appropriate measures with the actual situation. In order to ensure the effective control and optimization of the project time management, the project time management goal can be effectively implemented. The full text divides into five chapters to the north shore Jiangshan project time management aspect carries on the elaboration. The first chapter introduces the background of the time management of the real estate project, and explains the purpose and significance of this paper. In the second chapter, the summary of project time management theory shows that project time management is divided into the following six steps: activity definition, schedule control, sequence arrangement of activities, estimation of activity duration and estimation of activity resources. And these steps are described and introduced separately. In the third chapter, the author applies the theory of project time management to the preparation of the north shore Jiangshan project plan through the actual situation of the north shore Jiangshan project developed by Chongqing Guoxing real estate co., Ltd. According to the project data collection, the project work goal decomposition, the determination each individual item work order, each individual work time determination, the determination key work route such practice, thus forms the reasonable project time plan. In the fourth chapter, in the optimization and control of the project schedule, the methods of the project schedule optimization and the corresponding tools are introduced, and the main factors affecting the project time in each stage of the project and the solutions are analyzed. According to the actual case of the time management of the north shore Jiangshan project, this paper studies the corresponding measures taken in order to ensure that the goal of the total time plan remains unchanged. The fifth chapter abstracts the research results of this paper, and concludes that the main reasons or work items that affect the construction time of the project should be classified and analyzed, and the corresponding solutions should be found. The sequence of each work item and the corresponding procedure should not be limited to one method, and the corresponding method should be used based on the characteristics of each work item. In the operation scheme of shortening construction time, the principle of increasing construction cost by shortening construction time should be adopted. Hope these research results can be applied in the project time management of real estate development.


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