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发布时间:2018-07-05 12:30

  本文选题:股权结构 + 股权属性 ; 参考:《西北大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 自从关于现代公司股权结构的理论出现后,股权结构与公司绩效之间的关系就成为国内外学者们研究的热点问题。股权结构是公司治理的基础,它决定着公司的所有权和控制权的分配关系,进而影响公司的经营绩效。由于现代公司的结构比较复杂,影响公司绩效的因素也很多,而股权的构成也是多种多样,以至于虽然有很多学者对这一问题有研究,但是至今为止还没有得出一个一致性的结论。本文就是在前人研究的基础上,结合我国房地产行业上市公司的特点对股权结构与公司经营绩效这一问题做出理论和实证的分析,基于分析的结果来说明我国房地产行业上市公司股权结构与经营绩效的关系。 本文在理论分析的基础上结合实证分析的方法,选取我国房地产行业上市公司2007年—2009年三年的数据,提出股权结构与公司绩效之间的假设,运用回归分析的方法对数据做出相应的处理,验证假设。然后根据实证分析得出的结论,提出相应的政策建议。 本文共包括五个部分:第一部分为绪论,说明了论文题目选取的国内外经济环境的背景以及选题的意义,介绍了本文的研究内容和研究方法以及所做的主要工作;第二部分为理论和国内外学者研究的文献综述。包括与股权结构和公司绩效有关的理论介绍以及国内外众多学者对这一问题研究的成果综述;第三部分是介绍我国的房地产行业上市公司股权结构和经营绩效的现状,并指出了股权结构和经营绩效存在的问题;第四部分为实证研究部分,这一部分运用回归分析的方法对样本公司的数据进行处理,最终得出实证分析的结论;第五部分是本文的结论部分,包括通过理论和实证分析得出来的结论和对上市公司的政策建议。
[Abstract]:Since the emergence of the theory of modern corporate equity structure, the relationship between ownership structure and corporate performance has become a hot issue for scholars at home and abroad. Ownership structure is the basis of corporate governance, which determines the distribution of ownership and control, and then affects the performance of the company. As the structure of modern companies is quite complex, there are many factors that affect the performance of companies, and the composition of equity is also varied, so that although many scholars have studied this issue, But so far no consistent conclusion has been reached. On the basis of previous studies, this paper makes a theoretical and empirical analysis of the ownership structure and corporate performance of listed companies in the real estate industry. Based on the results of the analysis, the relationship between ownership structure and operating performance of listed companies in real estate industry is illustrated. On the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, this paper selects the data of listed companies in real estate industry from 2007 to 2009, and puts forward the hypothesis between ownership structure and corporate performance. The regression analysis method is used to deal with the data and verify the hypothesis. Then according to the conclusions of empirical analysis, the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward. This paper includes five parts: the first part is the introduction, which explains the background of the domestic and foreign economic environment and the significance of the topic selection, introduces the research content, research methods and the main work done in this paper; The second part is the literature review of theory and domestic and foreign scholars. The third part is to introduce the current situation of stock ownership structure and management performance of listed companies in real estate industry in China, including the theoretical introduction of ownership structure and corporate performance and the research results of many scholars at home and abroad. The fourth part is the empirical research part, which uses the method of regression analysis to deal with the data of the sample company, and finally comes to the conclusion of the empirical analysis. The fifth part is the conclusion of this paper, including the conclusions through theoretical and empirical analysis and policy recommendations to listed companies.


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1 宋洋;沪深两地房地产行业上市公司股权与绩效关系研究[D];华东师范大学;2011年

2 张春晖;旅游上市公司股权结构对经营绩效的影响[D];陕西师范大学;2011年

3 常颖;房地产企业资金管理研究[D];沈阳工业大学;2012年




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