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发布时间:2018-07-05 18:23

  本文选题:房地产开发项目 + 项目市场定位 ; 参考:《西安建筑科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:中国房地产市场在2008年经历了一次金融危机的洗礼,导致整个房地产市场低迷停滞,交易萎缩、人群观望,行业性的危机可谓四处蔓延。09年以后市场渐渐复苏,开始进入了反复调控的政策震荡性周期。目前国内房地产市场表现出三个显著特征:一是市场需求更趋于理性;二是政府调控越来越严;三是开发商越来越注重产品力的塑造。在十八大以后,政府更加注重产业的变革和发展,对房地产业的要求也是如此,传统粗放的发展模式已经是穷途末路,只有不断加强对政策因素、经济环境、客户需求等的研究,谋求绿色发展和可持续发展,在市场定位以及产品定位上创造特色化的服务、需求,以产品差异化和蓝海战略赢取市场。 本文首先提出了选题背景、研究目的和意义,,结合苏州低碳小镇项目的实际情况,分析了苏州市近阶段房地产发展历程以及区域项目产品销售实际情况,并开展了大量的市场调研工作。在此基础上,以苏州低碳小镇项目的市场整体定位为研究案例,分别从项目的SWOT分析、项目市场细分、目标市场选择等各个侧面进行研究论证,最终确定低碳小镇项目的定位。 本文以苏州低碳小镇开发项目为研究对象,展开其市场定位的研究工作,分别对低碳小镇项目的所处的区域环境、宏观环境以及苏州市房产需求状况进行了大量的市场调研分析,合理选择了低碳小镇的目标市场。研究对国内绿色生态社区、绿色建筑市场定位以及对于政府出台关于绿色建筑方面的相关政策都具有一定的参考价值,并对低碳小镇的可持续发展具有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:China's real estate market experienced the baptism of a financial crisis in 2008, resulting in the entire real estate market stagnating, transactions shrinking, people watching and watching, and the industrial crisis spreading everywhere. After 2009, the market gradually recovered. Began to repeatedly adjust and control the policy shock cycle. At present, the domestic real estate market shows three remarkable characteristics: first, the market demand tends to be more rational; second, the government controls more and more strictly; third, the developers pay more and more attention to the molding of the product force. After the 18th CPC National Congress, the government paid more attention to the transformation and development of industries, and so did the demands on the real estate industry. The traditional extensive development model is already a dead end. Only by constantly strengthening the policy factors and the economic environment, The research of customer demand, seeking green development and sustainable development, creating special service in market positioning and product positioning, demand, winning the market by product differentiation and blue sea strategy. In this paper, the background, purpose and significance of the research are put forward, and the development process of Suzhou real estate and the actual situation of regional project product sales are analyzed according to the actual situation of Suzhou low carbon town project. And carried out a large number of market research work. On this basis, taking the overall market positioning of Suzhou low-carbon small town project as a case study, the project SWOT analysis, project market segmentation, target market selection and other aspects are studied and demonstrated to determine the positioning of the low-carbon small town project. This paper takes the development project of Suzhou low carbon small town as the research object, carries out the research work of its market orientation, respectively, to the regional environment of the low carbon small town project, The macro environment and the real estate demand in Suzhou are investigated and analyzed, and the target market of low carbon town is reasonably chosen. The study has a certain reference value to the green ecological community, the market orientation of green building and the related policies on green building issued by the government, and has certain reference significance to the sustainable development of low-carbon small town.


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1 管邢华;苏州生态城低碳小镇项目市场定位研究[D];西安建筑科技大学;2014年




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