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发布时间:2018-07-06 06:36

  本文选题:不动产 + 价值结构 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:不动产属于我国《物权法》中“物”的一种类型,由于它自身具有较高的使用价值和交易价值,因此,不动产不仅是个人财产的重要组成部分,也是社会发展的根本资源,换言之,不动产不仅具有个人性也具有鲜明的社会性。国家、集体以及政府为代表的公权力主体获得不动产资源的途径主要有两种:一是通过法律的规定,直接获得不动产资源的所有权;二是通过特定的方式,从私人手中获得不动产所有权。前者是保证国家对不动产资源利用有效控制的根本手段,后者是为了满足社会发展需要、提高人民生活水平而对不动产权利归属状态的调配方式。两者相辅相成,共同运用于不动产的利用和保护过程中。除了国家、集体、政府之外,个人也可以合法享有不动产权利,当不动产归属于个人所有时,它也就是个人财产的一部分。 任何一项权利的行使都存在着自由与限制两方面的问题,特别是对于兼具个人性和社会性的不动产而言,不动产财产权人的行为要受到相应的限制。这种限制一方面来源于财产权人之间的限制(即个人利益之间的冲突);另一方面来源于公权力对私权的限制(即公共利益与个人利益之间的冲突)。在满足特定条件的前提下,通过特定的方式,即征收,私人不动产财产权可以转移到公权力主体手中。征收制度的建立一方面印证了不动产社会性的存在,另一方面也为公共利益与个人利益发生冲突时,提供了一种解决矛盾的方式。不可否认,近年来,各地政府都通过征收取得了大批可供二次利用的不动产资源,兴建各类基础设施,发展房地产,改善了人们的生活条件。但在这个过程中,矛盾纠纷屡见不鲜,盲目征收不仅对私权造成了严重的侵犯,还消耗了大量的资金,最终使“公共利益”异化成为政府滥用公权力的借口。 反思征收带来的“阵痛”以及如何完善该项制度的同时,应当意识到现有的公共财产早已无法满足建设发展的需要,私人不动产财产为公所用是一个必然的趋势,,加之不动产财产本身就包含了不同性质的可用价值——对于个人而言,不动产最主要的作用体现在居住和作业两方面;对于政府等公权力主体而言,不动产不仅是组织生产、发展的原动力,同时也可以满足政府自身的需求——因此,在这些价值之间发生冲突在所难免,在主体之间体现为利益的博弈关系。当个人利益与公共利益产生冲突时,是否必须通过征收来解决问题,是否所有的公共利益都必须以绝对排除私益为前提才能实现? 实践中,有一类特殊的不动产(建筑物),因为历史、文化、美学、布局风格等因素的影响,使其具备了历史文化价值,这些不动产目前并不都属于公共财产,它们的产权形式复杂多样,其中大部分属于个人所有;还有一些是依照历史性政策赋予个人长期租赁使用的权利;或者在事实上个人长期居住占有,并没有明确的权利凭证。当这些具有历史文化价值的不动产与城市建设、旅游开发相碰撞时,私人不动产财产就直接面临着被“公用化”的现实,在“私物公用”已成事实的前提下,究竟应当采用何种方式对私有不动产进行利用成为了问题的关键。 在现有的方式中,相邻关系、地役权、建筑物区分所有权三大制度是用于调整私人之间利益冲突的问题;而征收、征用两大制度是用于解决公共利益与个人利益之间的冲突。然而,在以历史文化不动产保护开发为例的一些情况下,并不需要完全将个人权利排除在不动产之外,公共利益、公众需求固然应当满足,但与此同时也不能无畏或过度的牺牲个人利益,应当在个人和公权力主体之间建立一个可供“对话”的平台,允许私人直接作为公共物品的提供方,参与到公共服务之中,同时也要求私人将部分不动产财产权让渡给公权力主体享有,以满足公共活动的需要。这种方式已经被一些地区所采用,一般称为“解困安置”,而从法律角度而言,应当称之为“公共地役权”。本文通过五部分内容,从分析不动产财产权价值结构为起点,解释了价值冲突与主体利益冲突之间的关系,以及不动产财产权的行使规则,引出在私益和公益发生冲突时不能仅将征收作为解决问题的方式,应当根据冲突的具体内容兼顾公、私两方主体的利益,从而说明构建公共地役权制度的必要性及其在保护和开发私有历史文化不动产过程中的重要作用。 综上所述,本文的核心观点是强调在为了公共利益(公众需要)对私有不动产进行利用的过程中,应当通过权利限制的方式来实现利益的平衡,在满足公众需求的同时,也要注重私人权利的保护。特别是以历史文化不动产为代表的这类不动产,在保护和开发的过程中,并不适宜彻底将私权人排除在外,通过设定公共地役权的方式,一方面要求财产权人让渡部分权利,另一方面也为其提供了参与保护、开发的可能性,从而保障财产权人的利益免受过度侵犯,不动产多重价值能够充分得到发挥。
[Abstract]:Real property belongs to one kind of " matter " in China ' s Real Property Law , because it has higher use value and transaction value . Therefore , real estate is not only an important part of personal property , but also the fundamental resource of social development . In other words , real estate has not only personal property but also distinct social property .
The former is the fundamental means of ensuring the effective control of the real estate resources by the state , which is the basic means of ensuring the effective control of the real estate resources by the state . The latter are mutually reinforcing and applied in the utilization and protection of real estate . In addition to the state , the collective and the government , the individual can enjoy the right of immovable property , which is part of personal property when the real property belongs to the individual .

The exercise of any right has the problems of freedom and limitation , especially for the real estate with both personal and social property , the behavior of real estate property right person is limited accordingly . This restriction is derived from the limitation between property rights person ( i.e . , conflict between individual interests ) ;
On the other hand , it comes from the limitation of the public power to the private right ( that is , the conflict between the public interest and the individual benefit ) . In the precondition of meeting the specific conditions , the property right of the private real estate can be transferred to the main body of the public authority .

Reflection on the " pains " brought by the expropriation and how to perfect the system , it should be realized that the existing public property has long been unable to meet the needs of the construction and development , and the private real estate property is a necessary trend , and the property of real estate itself contains the available value of different properties . For the individual , the main function of real estate is reflected in the two aspects of residence and operation ;
The real estate is not only the motive force of the organization production and development but also the demand of the government itself .

In practice , there is a kind of special real estate ( building ) , because of the influence of history , culture , aesthetics , layout style and so on , it has historical and cultural value , these real estate is not all belong to public property right now , their property rights form is complex and diverse , most of them belong to individual ;
There are also a number of rights granted to individuals for long - term leases in accordance with historical policies ;
In fact , when the real estate with historical cultural value is in collision with city construction and tourism development , private real estate property is directly confronted with the reality of being " public " , and under the premise of the fact that " public goods public " has become the fact , it is the key to use private real estate to make use of private real estate .

In the existing way , the three systems of adjacent relation , easements and building distinguish ownership are used to adjust the conflict of interest between private individuals ;
However , in some cases , it is not necessary to exclude individual rights from real estate , public interest and public demand in some cases , but at the same time , it is necessary to establish a platform which can be used as public goods .

In conclusion , the core idea of this article is to emphasize that in the process of utilizing private real estate for public interest ( public needs ) , the balance of interests should be realized through the way of restriction of rights . In the process of protecting and developing the real estate , especially the real estate represented by historical and cultural immovable property , it is not appropriate to completely exclude the private right . On the other hand , it provides the possibility to participate in the protection and development of the property right . On the other hand , it can guarantee the interests of the property rights person from being excessively infringed , and the multiple value of real estate can be fully played .


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