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发布时间:2018-07-06 07:05

  本文选题:房地产转让 + 交易当事人 ; 参考:《中国房地产》2016年10期

[Abstract]:Recently, Lu Kehua, deputy minister of housing and construction, made it clear that the Ministry of Housing and Construction will launch a special regulation and rectification action this year, and that bad intermediaries will be drawn into the "blacklist." The special action will standardize the publication of housing information for intermediary institutions, comprehensively promote the real estate transfer net signing system, prevent "one house selling more" through the implementation of the net signing system, strengthen the supervision of real estate transaction funds, and prevent intermediary institutions from encroaching on them. Misappropriating the funds of the parties involved in real estate transactions, ensuring the security of the funds of the transactions, strengthening the record keeping management of the real estate intermediary organizations, only through the intermediary institutions put on record by the competent real estate departments, can they obtain the relevant powers such as net signing, house source verification and so on; Strengthen the management of intermediary employees, improve the quality of employees, improve the credit information system,


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