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发布时间:2018-07-08 13:59

  本文选题:房屋登记错误 + 法律救济 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:不动产包括土地以及房屋、林木等地上的定着物1。《物权法》第9条规定:“不动产物权的设立、变更、转让及消灭,经依法登记,发生效力;未经登记,,不发生效力,但法律另有规定的除外。依法属于国家所有的自然资源,所有权可以不登记。”房屋是与公民生活息息相关,且最重要的不动产。规范房屋登记行为,对于维护房屋交易安全和房地产市场交易秩序,保障行政相对人合法权益具有重要作用。但因理性的有限性,由房屋登记机构工作人员主导的房屋登记行为难免发生错误,又因房产交易价格高、价值大,若出现登记错误,可能造成相对人权益的极大损害。因此,从理论上探讨房屋登记错误行为的内涵,切实提供房屋登记错误救济渠道具有十分重要的现实意义。 本文除引言和结语外,全文共分四部分: 第一部分是房屋登记错误法律救济的基本理论。从房屋登记错误行为性质出发,界定房屋登记错误行为的内涵,重点运用法律救济理论,厘清房屋登记错误法律救济的主要类型,包括行政救济与司法救济。 第二部分是房屋登记错误法律救济的海外立法例评析。通过考察德国、瑞士、日本和我国台湾地区房屋登记错误行政与司法救济立法内容,分析其合理性,为完善房屋登记法律救济提供可供借鉴的经验。 第三部分是我国房屋登记错误法律救济的现状及问题。通过分析我国房屋登记错误法律救济的立法和现实适用,得出我国房屋登记错误法律救济在立法和实践中存在的主要问题,包括立法上异议登记与更正登记规定不科学、司法救济和赔偿机制不完善;实践中相对人忽略行政救济,径直选择司法救济,增加了救济成本,司法救济还存在行政与民事诉讼冲突。 第四部分是我国房屋登记错误法律救济的完善。建议我国房屋登记错误法律救济以“穷尽行政救济”原则为基础,将行政救济作为司法救济的前置程序,突出行政救济专业性、成本低等优点,使房屋登记错误在进入司法救济时明确适用行政附带民事诉讼模式,并建立国家负担与房屋登记机构工作人员职业责任保险相结合的赔偿机制,确保行政相对人权益得到救济。
[Abstract]:Real estate includes land, houses, trees, and other fixed objects on the ground. Article 9 of the property Law stipulates: "the establishment, alteration, transfer and elimination of real property rights shall be registered according to law and shall become effective; if they are not registered, they shall not be effective." Except as otherwise provided by law. Ownership of natural resources that are legally owned by the State may not be registered. " Housing is closely related to the life of citizens, and the most important real estate. Standardizing the behavior of housing registration plays an important role in safeguarding the security of housing transactions and the order of real estate market transactions and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of administrative counterparts. However, due to the limitation of rationality, it is inevitable to make mistakes in the housing registration behavior led by the staff of the housing registration organization, and because of the high price and high value of the real estate transaction, if there is a registration error, it may cause great damage to the rights and interests of the relative party. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to probe into the connotation of housing registration errors and to provide a remedy channel for housing registration errors. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the basic theory of legal remedy for housing registration errors. Starting from the nature of house registration error behavior, this paper defines the connotation of housing registration error behavior, and focuses on the application of legal relief theory to clarify the main types of housing registration error legal relief, including administrative relief and judicial relief. The second part is the analysis of overseas legislation on the legal remedy of housing registration errors. Through investigating the legislation content of wrong administration and judicial remedy of housing registration in Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Taiwan, the rationality of the legislation is analyzed, which can be used for reference in perfecting the legal relief of housing registration. The third part is the current situation and problems of legal remedy for housing registration errors in China. Based on the analysis of the legislation and practical application of the legal remedy for housing registration errors in China, the main problems in the legislation and practice of the legal remedy for housing registration errors in our country are obtained, including the unscientific provisions of dissenting registration and correction of registration provisions in legislation. The mechanism of judicial relief and compensation is not perfect; in practice, the relative person neglects the administrative relief and chooses the judicial remedy directly, which increases the cost of relief, and there are conflicts between administration and civil litigation. The fourth part is the perfection of legal remedy for housing registration errors. It is suggested that the legal remedy for house registration errors in our country should be based on the principle of "exhausted administrative relief", take administrative relief as the leading procedure of judicial relief, emphasize the professional nature of administrative relief, and have the advantages of low cost, etc. In order to ensure the rights and interests of administrative counterpart get relief, the model of administrative incidental civil action should be applied clearly when house registration error entered into judicial relief, and the compensation mechanism of combining the national burden with the occupational liability insurance of the staff of the housing registration institution should be established.


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2 王崇敏;;我国不动产登记机关赔偿责任问题探讨[J];河南省政法管理干部学院学报;2007年05期

3 谭兵,王志胜;论法官现代化:专业化、职业化和同质化——兼谈中国法官队伍的现代化问题[J];中国法学;2001年03期




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