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发布时间:2018-07-07 23:56

  本文选题:房地产市场 + 政策失灵 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产调控政策出现在我们身边已经不再是新鲜的事情,然而,对于房地产调控政策的探讨甚至争论却始终存在。从房地产调控政策出台至今的十几年里,我们看到的就是且调且涨的奇怪现象。为什么会出现这样的效果?房地产调控政策的问题究竟在哪儿?如果其科学性、有效性都被质疑,既不可避免地带来极大的消极影响,又对房地产市场中的实质问题避而不谈,那么它还有没有继续存在的必要?是否有可以取代政策的、可以更好地发挥作用的手段存在?笔者认为,这些问题都值得我们认真思考。 本文的前言部分主要介绍了本文研究房地产调控政策存废问题的起因、研究现状、研究意义等情况。通过文献检索与整理,笔者认为目前学者对于房地产调控政策的侧重点多集中在政策本身,或褒或贬,主要是围绕着政策的内容、形式、效果等展开;或者不同学科从自己的视角对某一类政策做出评价;经济法学者多强调房地产调控政策与经济法、尤其是宏观调控法的关系,引申到对宏观调控的权限、主体、原则、手段等问题的思考。笔者尝试从政策入手,但是试图否定政策,得出房地产市场的健康发展需要经济法各制度的建立与完善来取代现有政策的结论。 本文的第一章介绍了关于房地产调控政策出台的市场背景以及其与现行法律的关系。房地产调控政策出台的市场背景,即我国房地产市场存在了哪些问题才导致政策频频出台;房地产调控政策出台之后与现存法律部门的关系,则指出了其与民商法、行政法等难以自洽的部分,也探讨了它与经济法、尤其是与宏观调控法的关系。本文的第二章,笔者详尽论述了目前房地产调控政策的失灵。房地产市场调控十几年,究竟其调控目标是什么?各类政策在理论上想起到怎样的作用?实际中效果究竟如何?那么,这一部分内容就分类讨论了各政策在实际执行过程中沦为“空调”的现象。 当然,政策频频沦为“空调”,主要原因在于市场方面与政府方面的顽疾政策根本无法涉及。本文的第三章认真讨论了这一问题。房地产市场中的“市场失灵”与“政府失灵”交替出现:严重的供求失衡问题、目前的土地出让制度问题政策无法解决,房地产商的垄断行为、不正当竞争行为政策“视而不见”;央行超发货币行为的随意性政策毫无办法,而公共资源分配不公的问题又不是政策力所能及。 因此,在本文的第四章提出这样的观点:为了扭转政策频频失灵的现状,不进入市场失灵与政府失灵交替循环的死胡同,我们应该尽快用制度来取替政策的存在。经济法视角下,可以充分发挥并完善反垄断法律制度、反不正当法律制度、中央银行法律制度、土地管理法律制度、财税法律制度、以及保障住房法律制度的积极作用。毕竟,已有的法律资源具有政策所不能比拟的稳定性、科学性和效力性,规制和调控市场的同时约束政府的权力,使房地产市场尽快走出且调且涨的怪圈。
[Abstract]:The real estate regulation policy appears to be no longer fresh in our side . However , the discussion of the real estate regulation policy has always existed . From the last ten years of the real estate regulation policy , we have seen the strange phenomenon of the adjustment and expansion . Where is the question of the real estate regulation policy ? If its scientific nature and validity are questioned , there is no need to continue to exist ?

The preface of this paper mainly introduces the causes , research situation , research significance and so on of the problem of real estate regulation and control policy . Through the literature search and arrangement , the author thinks that the focus on the policy of real estate regulation is focused on the policy itself , or the praise or decline , mainly around the content , form and effect of the policy .
or different disciplines to evaluate a certain kind of policies from their own perspective ;
The scholars of economic law emphasize the relationship between real estate regulation policy and economic law , especially macro - control law , and draw on the thinking about the right , subject , principle and means of macro - control .

The first chapter introduces the market background of the real estate regulation policy and its relationship with the current law . The market background of the real estate regulation policy is that China ' s real estate market has some problems which lead to the introduction of the policy frequency .
The relationship between the real estate regulation policy and the existing legal department is pointed out , and its relationship with civil and commercial law , administrative law and so on is pointed out , and its relationship with economic law , especially macro - control law is discussed . In chapter 2 , the author discusses the failure of the current real estate market regulation policy .

Of course , the policy frequency is reduced to " air conditioner " , the main reason is that the market and the government ' s persistent policy can not be involved . The third chapter of this paper discusses the problem seriously . The " market failure " and " government failure " in the real estate market appear alternately : the serious supply and demand imbalance problem , the current policy of the land exit system cannot be solved , the property dealer ' s monopoly behavior , the unfair competition behavior policy " ignore " ;
The central bank ' s discretionary policy on monetary behavior has no means , and the problem of public resource allocation is not the policy force .

Therefore , in the fourth chapter of this paper , it is put forward that in order to reverse the current situation of the frequency of the policy , we should use the system as soon as possible to get the existence of the policy . In the view of the economic law , we can give full play to and perfect the anti - monopoly law system , the anti - unfair legal system , the central bank ' s legal system , the legal system of land management , the legal system of the taxation and taxation , and the active role of guaranteeing the legal system of the housing . After all , the existing legal resources have the stability , the scientific nature and the validity of the policy , regulate and regulate the market , restrain the power of the government , and make the real estate market move out of and rise as soon as possible .


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