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发布时间:2018-07-07 13:45

  本文选题:建筑基础 + 基坑支护降水 ; 参考:《山东建筑大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济和城市建设的迅猛发展,高层建筑越来越多,基坑的深度由5m、7m慢慢到9m、18m以上。随着这些高层建筑的工程建设,基坑降水对周边建筑物产生的影响已逐渐引起了社会广泛的关注,降水时间少则半年,多的达到一年半,对周边建筑物带来不同程度的沉降变形、墙体裂缝、基础下沉、房屋倾斜和地下管线无法正常使用,由此引起工程停工、经济纠纷、居民集体投诉的群体性事件,给开发企业带来巨大的经济损失,也给周边居民生活造成极大的影响,同时给社会和谐带来不安定因素。因此应充分认识到深基坑降水不仅仅是施工单位高度重视的问题,而是开发公司必须进行统筹谋划和统一协调,从整个开发项目全局全方位的角度研究深基坑施工,系统分析深基坑施工对周边建筑物的影响,从项目设计阶段入手研究解决方案,是房地产企业必须面对的课题。 论文站在建设单位的角度,针对济南凯旋新城东区基坑工程的实际情况为背景,从整个项目开发的高度,从高层建筑基础设计方案、止水降水设计方案、监测设计、基坑工程质量控制措施、应急预案、施工单位选择、设计工程进度节点、协调政府主管部门和周边居民关系等方面,进行了系统设计研究,提出减少深基坑开挖深度,缩短降水时间,尽量减少深基坑施工对周边建筑产生的影响的措施,对企业保证基坑施工安全提供了可借鉴的措施方案,具有很好的应用价值,实现社会、企业、居民共赢共享。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and urban construction in China, more and more high-rise buildings have been built. With the construction of these high-rise buildings, the influence of foundation pit dewatering on the surrounding buildings has gradually aroused widespread concern in the society. The precipitation time is less than half a year, more than a year and a half. The settlement and deformation of the surrounding buildings, wall cracks, foundation subsidence, the inclination of the house and the failure of the underground pipelines to be used normally caused the construction stoppage, economic disputes and mass incidents complained by the residents. It brings huge economic losses to the development enterprises, also has a great impact on the residents' lives in the surrounding areas, at the same time, it brings unstable factors to the social harmony. Therefore, we should fully realize that dewatering of deep foundation pit is not only a problem that construction units attach great importance to, but also that the development company must carry out overall planning and coordination, and study the construction of deep foundation pit from the overall and omni-directional angle of the whole development project. It is a subject that real estate enterprises must face to analyze systematically the influence of deep foundation pit construction on the surrounding buildings and to study the solution from the stage of project design. In view of the actual situation of the foundation pit project in the east district of Kaixuan New Town in Jinan, the paper stands at the angle of the construction unit, and from the height of the whole project development, from the foundation design scheme of the high-rise building, the design scheme of water stop and precipitation, the monitoring design, In the aspects of quality control measures of foundation pit engineering, emergency plan, selection of construction unit, design of project progress node, coordination of the relationship between government departments in charge and surrounding residents, systematic design research is carried out, and the reduction of excavation depth of deep foundation pit is put forward. The measures of shortening the time of precipitation and minimizing the influence of the construction of deep foundation pit on the surrounding buildings provide a reference measure scheme for enterprises to ensure the safety of foundation pit construction. It has good application value and realizes the society and enterprises. Residents share a win-win situation.


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