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发布时间:2018-07-07 12:21

  本文选题:人民币贷款 + 房地产市场 ; 参考:《中国财政》2015年13期

[Abstract]:Recently, the real estate market good policy has been released frequently, easing the housing accumulation fund policy, cutting interest rates, lowering down payments and adjusting business tax policy combination of the introduction of policies to help stabilize housing consumption. First, on 29 January, the Ministry of Housing and Construction, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank issued a circular to increase the rate of individual housing loans issued by the housing provident fund. On March 18, the Housing Fund Management Center of the Central Government organs issued a circular. Increase the staff and workers to buy the first housing loan support. Second, on February 5 and February 28, the central bank issued a circular reducing the RMB reserve ratio of financial institutions and RMB loans from financial institutions respectively.
【作者单位】: 财政部税政司税源调查分析处;


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