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发布时间:2018-07-09 17:30

  本文选题:精装 + 住宅 ; 参考:《住宅与房地产》2016年03期

[Abstract]:From the angle of the development of the integrated housing for civil construction and decoration, this paper puts forward the idea of constructing the Internet experiential marketing system for hardcover commercial housing, and introduces its contents and characteristics. Taking a residential area as an example, the operation flow, application means, advantages and development direction of the system in the future are analyzed. Under the trend of "Internet", through the means of modern science and technology, this paper studies a more operable and individualized solution for the implementation of integrated housing construction and decoration in order to help the development of housing industrialization in our country.
【作者单位】: 山东城市建设职业学院建筑与城市规划系;济南得其所工程项目管理有限公司;济南天鸿房地产开发有限公司;


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