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发布时间:2018-07-10 08:09

  本文选题:房地产 + 价格 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产行业是我国的一个支柱产业,不仅关乎国民经济的增长,也关乎一般百姓的生活保障,一旦房地产市场出现问题就会是严重影响国计民生的根本问题。而近年来,房价增长快速,增长率更是远远的超出一般百姓的收入增长率,这就导致很多人“买不起房”,并对我国构建全面和谐社会构成严峻挑战。为此,中央政府高度重视对房地产市场的宏观调控。2005年以后,中央为调控房地产市场先后制订了一系列政策,这政策之多力度之大是有目共睹的,但房地产泡沫、住房供给失衡等问题依然存在,房价过快上涨也没有得到有效遏制。因此可见,我国房地产市场的主要问题不是缺少宏观调控政策,而是宏观调控执行缺位,故从宏观调控角度来分析房地产发展问题就非常有意义。 本文首先叙述了房地产发展现状及其存在问题,提出了房地产宏观调控的必要性。然后梳理了自1978年改革开放以来的一些主要宏观调控政策及其执行效果,并从房地产市场相关利益主体角色关系上分析政策执行效果不佳的主要原因。最后,,在借鉴国外房地产调控优秀经验基础上提出我国当前调控政策。
[Abstract]:Real estate industry is a pillar industry of our country, not only related to the growth of national economy, but also related to the livelihood of ordinary people. Once the real estate market has problems, it will seriously affect the national economy and people's livelihood. But in recent years, the house price increases rapidly, the growth rate is far more than the ordinary people's income growth rate, this causes many people "cannot afford the house", and poses the severe challenge to our country to construct the comprehensive harmonious society. For this reason, the central government attaches great importance to the macro-control of the real estate market. Since 2005, the central government has formulated a series of policies to regulate the real estate market successively, the strength of which is obvious to all, but the real estate bubble, Housing supply imbalance and other problems still exist, the rapid rise in house prices have not been effectively contained. Therefore, the main problem of China's real estate market is not the lack of macro-control policies, but the absence of macro-control, so it is very meaningful to analyze the development of real estate from the perspective of macro-control. This paper first describes the current situation of real estate development and its existing problems, and puts forward the necessity of real estate macro-control. Then it combs some major macro-control policies and their implementation effects since the reform and opening up in 1978, and analyzes the main reasons for the poor implementation of the policy from the perspective of the role relationship of the relevant stakeholders in the real estate market. Finally, on the basis of drawing lessons from foreign real estate regulation and control excellent experience, put forward our current regulation and control policy.


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