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发布时间:2018-07-13 12:50
【摘要】:商品房质量不仅直接影响工程本身的功能、适用性和建设项目的投资收益,其质量层次和水平也是各房地产开发企业综合竞争力的重要体现。如何科学、合理、客观、公正地评定各企业所建商品房的质量等级,更是政府管理部门、广大消费者以及社会各界人士都十分关注的重要课题。目前,虽然大多数商品房都能以合格的验收结论被推向市场,但是这只是对商品房质量的最基本评价,在此基础上应该有的质量评级,越来越为群众及社会所需要。 中国共产党的十八大报告提出加强和创新社会管理,提高社会管理科学化水平,改进政府提供公共服务方式,强化企事业单位、人民团体在社会管理和服务中的职责,引导社会组织健康有序发展,充分发挥群众参与社会管理的基础作用。这为非政府组织在我国新形势下的快速发展指明了方向,也为社会转型期,如何更好的推动我国商品房质量的发展提升,开创了一个新的领域,因此,本文从我国商品房管理现状入手,详细分析了我国商品房质量验收及评级现状;总结了在商品房质量管理中存在的不足和问题;引出了非政府组织概论;归纳了国内外非政府组织在参与商品房质量管理及评级中的-些做法及经验;提出非政府组织参与商品房质量评级的构想,运用层次分析法构建模型,并根据多目标指标值的实例输入,对所提出的模型进行了验证,评级得出的结果和结论对于满足社会信息需求,促进和完善我国商品房质量管理制度,提高其质量和水平,促进企业之间的竞争和发展都具有重要的指导意义和参考价值,将为各企业专业建设和发展提供积极有益的比较信息,为广大消费者优选住房提供必不可少的重要参考。
[Abstract]:The quality of commercial housing not only directly affects the function, applicability and investment income of construction projects, but also the quality level and level of quality is an important embodiment of the comprehensive competitiveness of real estate development enterprises. How to scientifically, reasonably, objectively and impartially evaluate the quality grade of commercial housing built by various enterprises is an important issue that the government management departments, consumers and people from all walks of life pay close attention to. At present, most commercial housing can be pushed to the market with qualified acceptance conclusion, but this is only the most basic evaluation of the quality of commercial housing. On this basis, there should be a quality rating, which is more and more needed by the masses and the society. The report of the 18th CPC National Congress proposed to strengthen and innovate social management, improve the scientific level of social management, improve the way the government provides public services, and strengthen the responsibilities of enterprises, institutions, and people's organizations in social management and service. To guide the healthy and orderly development of social organizations and give full play to the basic role of the masses in social management. This has pointed out the direction for the rapid development of non-governmental organizations under the new situation in our country, but also for the social transition period, how to better promote the development and upgrading of the quality of commercial housing in our country, thus creating a new field, Starting with the current situation of commercial housing management in China, this paper analyzes in detail the quality acceptance and rating status of commercial housing in China, summarizes the shortcomings and problems existing in the quality management of commercial housing, and leads to the introduction of non-governmental organizations. This paper summarizes some practices and experiences of NGOs in participating in the quality management and rating of commercial housing at home and abroad, puts forward the conception of NGOs participating in the quality rating of commercial housing, and constructs the model by using AHP. According to the example input of multi-objective index value, the proposed model is verified. The results and conclusions of the rating can meet the needs of social information, promote and perfect the quality management system of commercial housing in China, and improve its quality and level. The promotion of competition and development among enterprises has important guiding significance and reference value, which will provide positive and beneficial comparative information for the professional construction and development of enterprises, and provide essential and important reference for consumers to select housing.


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