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发布时间:2018-07-13 13:46
【摘要】:近几年,随着房地产行业突飞猛进的发展,企业之间的竞争力异常激烈。然而,近期由于“国五条”等国家宏观宏观调控的影响下,企业销售业绩不佳、资金回转速度缓慢等问题已逐步显露。在这种形势下,如何确保企业保持较强的竞争力,如何确保产品优质的质量及成本的控制等问题成为房地产企业关注的焦点。本论文基于PDCA循环模式的内涵(PDCA是企业全面管理的一种模型、工具,又称“戴明环”。具体来说P—Plan、计划;D—Do、实施或者执行;C—Check、检查或总结;A—Action,行动或处理),对高层住宅建筑设计及设计标准化的制定进行了深刻分析,旨在运用PDCA循环去分析设计与建筑施工、材料采购、后期物业管理的关系,从中发现设计存在的问题,进而制定成相应的设计标准。分析了设计中各个阶段的主要职能,通过PDCA模型的运用分析了设计标准化的制定原则、实施步骤,还分阶段的对设计标准化制定的计划、实施、检查、处理阶段进行了充分的研究。论文通过PDCA循环,运用系统性思维模式分析设计存在的问题及设计标准化的制定过程,企图建立一套完整的设计标准化体系。 论文深刻分析了设计标准化体系的应用价值。分析了设计标准化体系对成本控制的重要性,运用设计标准化能够有效的控制成本并能够简化成本控制的环节和流程;设计标准化是质量管理的基础和依据,设计标准化能够提升产品质量,能够使产品质量管理标准化;运用设计标准化策略控制和管理房地产供应链,能够使供应链网络能加通畅,,设计标准化的制定使供应链管理的效率和作用逐步提高。 本论文旨在把PDCA管理工具运用到建筑设计及设计标准化的管理工作中,是管理模型与设计的有效结合。目前如PDCA、FMEA、六西格玛等管理工具的研究已不再新鲜,而把这些管理工具运用到设计及设计标准化工作中的研究还尚属少数,这也正是本论文的创新点所在。希望本论文能在房地产企业管理中起到一定的指导意义,在设计及设计标准化理论方面起到资料补充的作用。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of the real estate industry, the competitiveness between enterprises is extremely fierce. However, due to the influence of national macro-control, such as "five articles of China", the problems of poor sales performance and slow speed of capital turnover have been gradually revealed recently. In this situation, how to ensure that enterprises maintain strong competitiveness, how to ensure the quality of products and cost control has become the focus of real estate enterprises. This paper is based on the connotation of PDCA cycle mode (PDCA is a model of enterprise overall management, tools, also known as "Dai Minghuan". Specifically, P-Plan, Plan D-Do, implement or execute C-Check, inspect or summarize A-Action, Action or processing), and make a profound analysis of the design and design standardization of high-rise residential buildings. The purpose of this paper is to use PDCA cycle to analyze the relationship between design and construction, material purchase, property management in the later stage, and find out the problems existing in the design, and then formulate the corresponding design standard. The main functions of each stage in the design are analyzed, and the principles and steps of design standardization are analyzed through the application of PDCA model, and the planning, implementation and inspection of design standardization are also carried out in stages. Sufficient research was carried out at the processing stage. Through PDCA cycle, the paper analyzes the problems existing in design and the process of making design standardization by using systematic thinking mode, and attempts to establish a complete design standardization system. The paper deeply analyzes the application value of design standardization system. The importance of design standardization system to cost control is analyzed. The design standardization can effectively control cost and simplify the process of cost control, and design standardization is the basis and basis of quality management. Design standardization can improve product quality, make product quality management standardization, use design standardization strategy to control and manage real estate supply chain, can make supply chain network smooth, Design standardization makes supply chain management more efficient and more effective. The purpose of this paper is to apply PDCA management tools to the management of architectural design and design standardization, which is an effective combination of management model and design. At present, the research of management tools such as PDCA FMEA, six Sigma is no longer new, and the research of applying these management tools to design and design standardization is still a few, which is the innovation of this paper. I hope this paper can play a guiding role in the management of real estate enterprises, and play a supplementary role in the theory of design and design standardization.


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