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发布时间:2018-07-13 14:58
【摘要】:城市住宅小区停车位的权属问题关系着广大小区业主的切身利益。随着人们生活水平的提高,购买汽车的小区业主也越来越多,随之而来的是业主对小区停车位需求的大幅增长。然而由于小区停车位的权属不清,导致了小区有关停车位的纠纷也大量涌现,最终损害了小区业主的停车利益,影响了小区业主生活的安宁。本文以城市住宅小区停车位的权属问题为研究对象,就是力图通过研究,找出解决问题的办法,明确小区停车位的权属以定纷止争。 本文共分六部分,第一部分为引言,也是指出本文的研究意义。首先是立法方面的意义:有助于完善有关小区停车位权属立法,有助于确立停车位的独立物权地位。其次是司法以及保障权益方面的意义:有利于解决小区停车位权属纠纷、有利于充分发挥小区现有停车位的效用、有利于调动开发商建设更多停车位的积极性以及有利于促进我国汽车产业的发展。 第二部分介绍了住宅小区停车位的概念以及我国当前小区停车位权属的立法状况和现实状况。我国物权法确定了小区停车位约定归属为主、业主共有为辅的基本原则,相关司法解释也在物权法的基础上对小区停车位权属问题做了进一步的规定,但是我国有关小区停车位权属的立法还存在不完善之处,这也导致了各地对小区停车位权属的规定不一。 第三部分是介绍当前学术界关于住宅小区停车位权利归属的学说主要有约定归属说、从物说、面积分摊说、土地使用权说、独立所有权说以及成本说。各种不同的学说都只是从某个角度分析界定停车位的权利归属,最终的结论或者是认为停车位的所有权应归业主,或者是认为停车位的所有权应归开发商等等,总之各种学说的观点都过于绝对化,不能结合实际具体问题具体分析,因而不能充分解决小区停车位的权属问题。 第四部分通过比较研究美国、德国、法国、日本以及我国台湾地区的相关法律制度,概括出两种可以借鉴的立法模式,一是对停车位进行分类,分别确定其权属。二是界定停车位的法律性质,确定其权属。 第五部分是完善小区停车位权属立法以及相关制度的建议。首先是完善《物权法》有关小区停车位权属的规定。具体是立法时应通过区分不同的停车位类型来确定停车位的归属。其次是完善小区停车位权属问题相关制度。具体是—要完善不动产登记制度。建立统一的不动产登记法,将小区业主共有以及包括小区停车位在内的其他项物权登记在有权机关的物权公示载体上,同时还要建立不动产登记的公示制度。二要完善房地产信息公开制度,与之相配套建立统一的制裁措施和房地产企业信用管理制度。 第六部分为结束语,指出我国当前对住宅小区停车位权属问题的研究还处于一个发展的阶段,各方还没找到一个共同认可的最终解决问题的办法,但随着经济社会的进一步发展,我国理论界和实务界对该问题的研究也必将逐渐深入、逐渐成熟。在各方的共同努力下,我国住宅小区停车位权属问题的一定能够最终得到解决。
[Abstract]:With the improvement of people ' s standard of living , the owners of the small district who bought the car are more and more concerned . With the increase of people ' s living standard , the owners of the small district who buy the car are more and more . However , because of the unclear ownership of the parking space of the district , the problem of parking space of the district owners is greatly increased . The problem of the parking space in the small district is the research object . The author tries to find out the solution to solve the problem by studying and find out the ownership of the parking space of the district to make a dispute .

This paper is divided into six parts , the first part is preface , it also points out the research significance of this paper . Firstly , it points out the significance of legislation . First , it is helpful to perfect the legislation of parking space of the district and help to establish the independent property right position of parking space . Secondly , it is beneficial to solve the disputes of parking space of the district , which is beneficial to the full play of the utility of the existing parking space of the district . It is beneficial to arouse the enthusiasm of the developers to build more parking spaces and to promote the development of the automobile industry in our country .

The second part introduces the concept of parking space in residential district and the legislative situation and reality of parking space right in China .

In the third part , the author introduces the theory of ownership of parking space right in the current academic circle . According to the theory , the author argues that the ownership of the parking space belongs to the owner or the ownership of the parking space should be owned by the owner , or the ownership of the parking space should be owned by the developer , etc .

In the fourth part , by comparing the relevant legal system of the United States , Germany , France , Japan and Taiwan , two kinds of legislative models can be used for reference . One is to classify the parking space and to determine the weight . The second is to define the legal nature of parking space and to determine its ownership .

The fifth part is to perfect the legislation of parking space and the suggestion of the relevant system . Firstly , it is necessary to perfect the property registration system . Secondly , we should perfect the system of real estate registration . Secondly , we should perfect the system of real estate registration .

The sixth part is divided into concluding remarks , pointing out that China ' s current research on parking space ownership is still at a stage of development . However , with the further development of economy and society , our country ' s theory and practice circles will gradually deepen and mature . Under the joint efforts of all parties , the problem of parking space ownership in our country can finally be solved .


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4 卓洁辉;区分所有建筑物附设停车场的比较法研究[J];中外房地产导报;2003年02期




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