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发布时间:2018-07-17 16:47
【摘要】:论文通过对于鄂尔多斯企业发展环境变化的思考,并结合鄂尔多斯澜海集团房地产公司的内部资源分析和特点梳理,研究并总结出一套对于企业当下行之有效的战略制定方法和模式,以指导企业在市场低谷中完成战略转型和蜕变。本文采用了理论研究与案例分析相结合的方法,探讨了澜海房地产发展战略及其执行的问题。通过战略分析工具、模型和方法研究分析企业所处的外部环境和行业特点,通过访谈调研、数据研究等方法深挖企业内部潜力,正视不足。以专业和务实的方法为依托,探索一条适合鄂尔多斯大批同类企业可借鉴的转型之路。 依据以上目的和方法的研究,本文得出如下结论:在鄂尔多斯的同类企业“传统产业顺势发展,主要产业转型发展,新兴行业重点发展”。产业与金融结合是企业发展的重点,投资管理是未来发展的方向:认清自己,找准定位;认清市场,找准方向。本文指出要客观、冷静的看待财富的积累和自身能力增长的匹配程度,正确看待自身的不足。产融结合,发挥地区资金优势,重点发展投资行业,为企业和资金寻找新的增长点和出路;企业能够享受春天的温暖,也能经得起冬天的寒冷,这才是可持续发展的企业。
[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the internal resources and the characteristics of Ordos Lanhai Real Estate Company through thinking about the change of the development environment of Ordos enterprises, and combing with the internal resources of Ordos Lanhai Group Real Estate Company. This paper studies and summarizes a set of effective strategic formulation methods and models for enterprises to guide enterprises to complete strategic transformation and transformation in the market downturn. This paper discusses the development strategy and implementation of Lanhai real estate by combining theoretical research with case analysis. Through strategic analysis tools, models and methods to study and analyze the external environment and industry characteristics of enterprises, through interviews, data research and other methods to explore the internal potential of enterprises, face up to the shortcomings. On the basis of professional and practical methods, this paper explores a transition road suitable for a large number of similar enterprises in Ordos. Based on the research of the above purposes and methods, this paper draws the following conclusions: the similar enterprises in Ordos have the following conclusions: "the development of traditional industries, the transformation and development of main industries, and the key development of emerging industries" in Ordos. The combination of industry and finance is the key point of enterprise development, and investment management is the direction of future development: to recognize oneself, to find the right position, to recognize the market and to find the right direction. This paper points out that we should objectively and calmly look at the matching degree between the accumulation of wealth and the growth of our own ability, and treat our own shortcomings correctly. Combining production and finance, giving play to the advantages of regional capital, focusing on the development of investment industries, looking for new growth points and outlets for enterprises and funds; enterprises can enjoy the warmth of spring, but also can withstand the cold winter, this is the sustainable development of enterprises.


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