[Abstract]:This article disagrees with the explanation based on the disappearance of the demographic dividend and the arrival of the Lewis turning point. The current worry is that China's economy is already in the process of currency contraction, and the reduction of effective demand will lead to a further increase in overproduction and overcapacity in the current period. This paper holds that China is still in the period of harvest of population dividend, and the decline of current growth rate is caused by the same key driving factor as the rapid economic growth in 2002-2012. The change of real estate investment and its multiplier effect are the main engine to pull the Chinese economy out of the 1997-2001 contraction in currency to achieve rapid economic growth. In 2002-2014, 63% of the new GDP is the contribution of new real estate investment. At the same time, it is the main driving force to drive the current economic growth down. In addition, the "spatial mismatch" of resources and the government's intervention in the allocation of resources by the government have reduced the quality and efficiency of economic growth. Correct judgment of the reasons for the decline in growth is essential to a reasonable choice of responses. The correct choice should be to adjust the policy of strictly controlling the population size of megacities so as to make the metropolitan area the engine of economic growth and to stimulate market vitality by further deepening the structural reform of large departments and breaking monopoly.
【作者单位】: 北京交通大学经济管理学院;
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