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发布时间:2018-07-20 10:25
[Abstract]:Media is an important platform for the dissemination of real estate advertising, and it is also a link between real estate goods and consumers. The scientific and rational media delivery strategy is of great significance to improve the effect of real estate advertising and meet the needs of consumers. With the development of the Internet and the arrival of the era of mobile Internet, the contact behavior of consumer media is not good. At the same time, the mature of the real estate advertising media has changed. At the same time, the maturity of the big data technology has also made the consumer personalized media contact demand satisfied. Facing the changes of the consumer media contact and the media distribution pattern, many real estate enterprises have not put the current media into the media. It is still dependent on the traditional marketing communication system and methodology to carry out the advertising media, which leads to the increase of the advertising budget, but the price ratio of the advertising investment is declining. There is a lack of pertinence in the media delivery, the lack of the concept of "consumer standard", the blind and disordered media selection, the decentralization of the consumer's attention, the decline of the communication efficiency of the media combination, the disjunction with the consumer behavior, the lack of integration of the media scheduling plan, etc. these problems have hindered the promotion of the effect of real estate advertising and the needs of consumers in a certain range. In this paper, based on the AISAS consumer behavior model as the main theoretical support, comprehensive use of literature research, case analysis, depth interview and other research methods, from the perspective of consumer behavior, the current situation and problems of the advertising media in real estate enterprises are analyzed. On this basis, the consumer media adaptation in the new period is formulated. The strategies of advertising media delivery in real estate enterprises with change of behavior include: taking consumer behavior insight as the support to improve the media targeting, optimizing media selection with consumer media contact habits as the center of gravity, creating multiple media combinations based on the consumer behavior path, and adjusting the media on the axis of AISAS dominated marketing cycle. At the same time, this paper, based on the analysis of the typical cases of the media launch of the top ten Chinese real estate company in Longcheng project in Zhengzhou, makes a further demonstration of the feasibility of the proposed strategy. Through these analyses and studies, we try to find a new strategy for the new real estate advertising media to adapt to the development of the times, Real estate enterprises provide theoretical basis and application strategies for advertising, and promote the improvement of advertising effectiveness and the satisfaction of consumers' needs.


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