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发布时间:2018-07-27 14:47
【摘要】:中国房地产业在经历了多年高速发展之后,正逐渐进入平稳有序的发展阶段、逐步走向成熟。随着国家宏观调控政策的不断出台和完善,我国房地产业将面临着更加激烈的竞争。笔者作为贵州产投地产公司的总经理,一家国有小型房地产企业的经营管理者,面对如此复杂的经营环境,首先必须未雨绸缪,要在战略上高度重视,认真思考公司未来的生存之道,研究本企业如何制定切实可行的发展战略,取得竞争优势,这即是公司生存和发展的迫切需要,又具有现实和深远的重要意义。笔者将自己任职的企业作为研究对象,还希望能够通过本论文的研究,对EMBA学习期间所学的理论和分析方法进行一次实践,既检验学习效果,也为企业的发展和决策提供一定的参考。 本论文首先对贵州产投地产公司的内外部战略环境进行了分析。通过对全国房地产业的现状、发展趋势、贵阳和安顺市的房地产业状况等外部因素进行分析,寻找贵州市场未来蕴含的商机。同时还运用五力模型,对行业竞争中的新进入者的威胁、供应商讨价还价的能力、买方讨价还价的能力、当前竞争对手之间竞争的激烈程度也进行了分析,并提出了改善产品结构、加快引进先进理念、提高自身实力等对策。论文接下来对贵州产投地产公司的产品、内部组织机构及人力资源状况、经营管理现状和有形、无形资产、财务状况等内部环境因素也进行了分析。针对公司存在的获取土地能力弱、土地储备量少,资金实力弱、融资能力差、品牌知名度低等问题,笔者又进一步通过SWOT分析法,发现企业的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,找到公司的主要发展方向。经过分析,笔者初步提出了贵州产投地产公司的产品差异化、进入功能性地产、树立品牌、前后向一体化发展战略等措施。 本论文在这些分析的基础上,笔者经过思考,明确提出了贵州产投地产公司的战略指导思想,就是以发展为根本,创新为灵魂,以差异化,专一化战略为主要发展思路,坚持优质服务,讲信誉、守承诺,以房地产开发为核心业务,逐步提高行业竞争地位,专注于公司所熟悉的领域的深层次开发,为社会提供具有差异化的产品,并适时进行跨地域的发展。同时,优化公司内部管理机制,改善人力资源结构,加强技术创新,提高资本运营能力,注重品牌建设,完成由劳动密集型向资本管理型、人才使用型向人才开发型、操作管理型向科技创新型的转变。笔者又从公司实际出发,拟定了贵州产投地产公司的战略目标:既以中国经济持续健康发展的大好背景为依托,充分发挥优势,努力把握市场机会,勇于迎接挑战,力争在未来五年内,实现年开发规模10万平方米,竣工面积实现30万平方米,实现房地产销售收入3亿元。贵州产投地产公司成为一个以房地产业为主,相关产业为辅的可持续发展的中型房地产企业。同时,笔者还从战略规划的角度,为此设定了未来五年三个阶段的发展规划,第一阶段(2014-2015年),这一阶段的重点任务是要立足三、四线城市,巩固前期的成果,保持开发、销售收入与盈利的稳步增长,为以后的大发展做好准备。第二阶段(2016-2017年)的中心任务是全面推进贵州产投地产公司的各项建设。通过并购、合资、资产置换或购买等方式取得土地储备,进行产品结构调整,多渠道融资,确保项目建设。第三阶段(2018年)的主要任务是依靠品牌影响力在各个战略发展城市复制类似成功案例,实现公司战略目标。同时全面推进房地产业上下游各产业的发展,进行产业联盟重组。最后在贵州产投地产公司的战略选择部分,笔者又为公司提炼了竞争战略、区域发展战略、人才开发战略、融资战略、企业联盟战略和品牌文化战略等六大战略选择。 论文最后,为了保障战略的实施,笔者还提出了从理念创新,改革相关产权和分配制度,如何加强监督,完善人力资源管理能力,塑造并推进企业文化建设,打造房地产品牌战略管理,加强管控信息化体系建设,整合优势资源提升贵州产投地产公司核心竞争力等方面建立保障和支持的具体措施。 贵州产投地产公司是典型的小型国有房开企业,具有一定的代表性。笔者通过此次研究还可以从一个侧面对国有企业发展的战略模式进行分析和思索。
[Abstract]:After many years of rapid development, China's real estate industry is gradually entering a stable and orderly development stage, gradually becoming mature. With the continuous introduction and improvement of the national macro-control policies, China's real estate industry will face more intense competition. As the general manager of the Guizhou investment and real estate company, a small state owned house In the face of such complex operating environment, the managers of the production enterprises must first take precautions, attach great importance to the strategy, think carefully about the future survival way of the company, and study how the enterprises make practical development strategies and obtain competitive advantages. This is the urgent need for the survival and development of the public company, and is also realistic and far-reaching. The author of this paper is the research object, and I hope that through the research of this paper, we can practice the theory and analysis method learned during the EMBA study, not only to test the learning effect, but also to provide some reference for the development and decision of the enterprise.
This paper first analyzes the internal and external strategic environment of the Guizhou investment and investment real estate company. Through the analysis of the current situation of the real estate industry in China, the development trend, the external factors of the real estate industry in Guiyang and Anshun, the future opportunities for the Guizhou market are found, and the five force model is also applied to the new entry in the competition of the industry. The threat of the supplier, the ability of the supplier bargaining, the ability of the buyer to bargain, the intensity of the competition between the competitors, and the countermeasures to improve the product structure, speed up the introduction of advanced ideas and improve their own strength. The status of resources, management status and tangible, intangible assets, financial situation and other internal environmental factors are also analyzed. In view of the company's weak ability to obtain land, less land reserves, weak capital strength, poor financing capacity, low brand awareness and so on, the author further through the SWOT analysis method, to find the advantages, disadvantages, machinery of the enterprise. The main development direction of the company is found by the meeting and the threat. After analysis, the author preliminarily puts forward the measures such as the product differentiation of Guizhou investment and investment real estate companies, the entry of functional property, the establishment of brand, and the integrated development strategy of the company.
On the basis of these analyses, the author puts forward the strategic guiding ideology of Guizhou investment and investment real estate company, which is based on the development as the fundamental, the innovation as the soul, the differentiation and the specialization strategy as the main development thought, the high quality service, the reputation and the promise, the real estate development as the core business, and the gradual improvement of the industry. The competitive position is focused on the deep development of the field that the company is familiar with, providing different products for the society, providing different products for the society, and developing the trans regional development in a timely manner. At the same time, the internal management mechanism of the company is optimized, the structure of human resources is improved, the technological innovation is strengthened, the capital operation ability is improved, the construction of the brand is emphasized, and the labor intensive to the capital is completed. According to the actual situation of the company, the author has drawn up the strategic objective of the Guizhou investment and investment real estate company, which is based on the good background of the sustained and healthy development of China's economy, fully exerts the advantages of the market, and strives to grasp the market opportunity and the courage to meet the challenge. In the next five years, the annual development scale is 100 thousand square meters, the completed area is 300 thousand square meters and the real estate sales revenue is 300 million yuan. The Guizhou production and investment real estate company has become a medium-sized real estate enterprise with the real estate industry and the related industries as the auxiliary. In the next five years and three stages of development planning, the first stage (2014-2015 years), the key task of this stage is to base on the three, four line cities, consolidate the early achievements, keep the development, the steady growth of the sales revenue and profit, and prepare for the future development. The central task of the second phase (2016-2017 year) is to promote the Guizhou production and investment in an all-round way. The construction of real estate companies, through merger and acquisition, joint venture, asset replacement or purchase and other ways to obtain land reserves, product structure adjustment, multi-channel financing, to ensure project construction. The main task of the third stage (2018) is to rely on brand influence to copy similar success cases in each strategic development city to achieve the company's strategic objectives. In the last part of the strategic choice of the investment and investment real estate companies in Guizhou, the author refines the six strategic choices for the company, such as competition strategy, regional development strategy, talent development strategy, financing strategy, enterprise alliance strategy and brand culture strategy.
At the end of the paper, in order to ensure the implementation of the strategy, the author also proposed from the concept innovation, the reform of the related property rights and distribution system, how to strengthen supervision, improve the ability of human resources management, mold and promote the construction of enterprise culture, build the strategic management of real estate brand, strengthen the construction of management and control information system, and integrate the advantage resources to upgrade Guizhou production and investment. The core competitiveness of real estate companies and other aspects of the establishment of specific measures to protect and support.
Guizhou investment and investment real estate company is a typical small state-owned house opening enterprise, which has certain representativeness. Through this study, I can also analyze and think about the strategic model of the development of state-owned enterprises from one side.


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