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发布时间:2018-07-28 17:17
【摘要】:近年来,随着我国工业化、城镇化进程的不断推进,城市周边的高新科技园区发展也十分迅速,成为推动城市尤其是片区经济发展的巨大驱动力,其带来的大量人口聚集效应,对科技园周边房地产的开发及营销工作提出了更高要求。科学合理的做好科技园区周边房地产项目的营销策划工作,可以使房地产企业尽快实现产品销售,抢占市场,赢得利润,获得知名度;可以使科技园区从业人员及周边居民选择适合自己的楼盘户型,满足居住生活需求,实现“安居乐业”;可以增加房地产项目的人气,减少园区人员流失,带动周边商业居住氛围,进一步加快园区的开发建设,从而从根本上改善片区居住条件,实现科技发展与人文居住的完美结合。由于科技园区的建立完善一般需要五到十年的周期,导致周边房地产项目开发面临着时机选择以及各阶段采取何种营销策略的问题,尤其是作为科技园周边最早入市的房地产项目,该采取哪种有针对性的营销策略,如何定价,如何营销,以实现科技园、房地产企业、顾客的“三赢”目标,这都是值得深入研究的问题,否则将会影响片区房地产项目的发展信心和质量,甚至影响整个科技园区的健康有序发展。 本文即在上述的背景下,通过对富士康南宁科技园MLW项目进行研究,结合房地产开发、市场营销的相关理论,运用文献法、调查研究法、SW0T分析等方法,在此基础上,从南宁市、江南区的发展趋势入手,依据沙井片区以及富士康南宁科技园的发展规划,明确富士康南宁科技园周边房地产开发的定位及发展方向,展望沙井片区房地产开发的前景,并以科技园周边第一个房地产项目——MLW项目为例,分析包括开盘时机策略、产品策略、价格策略、广告宣传策略、促销营销策略在内的营销策略,以求实现项目的快速销售,促进科技园及沙井片区的快速发展,从而为科技园区周边房地产项目的营销策略提出合理化建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of industrialization and urbanization in our country, the high-tech parks around the city have also developed very rapidly, which has become a huge driving force to promote the economic development of cities, especially in the regions, and has brought about a large number of population aggregation effects. The development and marketing of real estate around the science and technology park put forward higher requirements. Doing the marketing planning work of the real estate project around the science and technology park scientifically and reasonably can make the real estate enterprise realize the product sale as soon as possible, seize the market, win the profit, obtain the popularity; It can enable the employees of the science and technology park and the surrounding residents to choose their own housing units, meet the needs of living and living, and realize "living and working in peace and contentment," and can increase the popularity of real estate projects and reduce the wastage of personnel in the park. Promote the surrounding commercial living atmosphere, further accelerate the development and construction of the park, so as to fundamentally improve the living conditions of the region, and achieve the perfect combination of scientific and technological development and human residence. Since the establishment and perfection of science and technology parks generally need a period of five to ten years, the development of the surrounding real estate projects is faced with the problem of choosing the right time and what marketing strategies should be adopted in each stage. In particular, as the earliest real estate project to enter the market around the Science and Technology Park, what kind of targeted marketing strategy should be adopted, how to price and how to market, in order to achieve the "three-win" goal of science and technology parks, real estate enterprises and customers. This is a problem worthy of further study, otherwise it will affect the development confidence and quality of the real estate project, and even affect the healthy and orderly development of the whole science and technology park. Under the above background, through the research on the MLW project of Foxconn Nanning Science and Technology Park, combining with the theory of real estate development and marketing, using the literature method, the investigation method and SW0T analysis method, on this basis, from Nanning City, Starting with the development trend of Jiangnan District, according to the development plan of the Sand well area and the Foxconn Nanning Science and Technology Park, the orientation and development direction of the real estate development around the Foxconn Nanning Science and Technology Park are made clear, and the prospect of the real estate development in the Sand-well area is prospected. Taking the first real estate project around the Science and Technology Park as an example, this paper analyzes the marketing strategies, including opening opportunity strategy, product strategy, price strategy, advertising strategy and promotion marketing strategy, in order to realize the rapid sales of the project. To promote the rapid development of science and technology park and manhole area, so as to put forward rational suggestions for the marketing strategy of real estate projects around the science and technology park.


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