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发布时间:2018-08-02 17:36
【摘要】:社会发展进入21世纪后,房地产业已经经历过了90年代的初期发展,到近些年来,我国房地产业可谓得到了迅猛发展。因厨柜工业是房地产业的一个重要的关联度较大的产业,厨柜工业的发展也非常的快速。厨柜企业现在在发展的同时因行业竞争激烈、购买者更趋理性消费及全球金融危机的蔓延而更加重视和专注市场,更加提倡企业管理创新、营销创新。 2008年,席卷全球的金融危机的出现,更是加剧了本行业的竞争,进而影响到厨柜原材料市场发生深刻的变化,各项采购活动趋于复杂、多变的方向,厨柜企业本身对采购工作的管理要求也日渐趋高,采购管理就会在如今的市场环境中起到越来越重要的杠杆作用。GM公司是本行业的龙头企业,却一直沿用的传统采购模式,面临着市场环境的巨大挑战,,迫切需要进行创新和变革,并遵循GM公司倡导的“以客为先”的理念,以提高工作效率、降低采购风险、提升企业的利润,以实现企业经营目标的完成。 本文首先对GM公司的企业往史、组织架构、产品概况、业务类型、发展现状等情况一一进行了介绍,然后再对国内厨柜行业的发展现况进行了概述。再之后对GM公司现有的开发供应商的组织形式、日常的采购管理活动和供应商的审核管理进行了描述,对其中存在的各种问题也进行了较为深入的探讨。与此同时,又对由企业采购管理中信息不对称而造成的采购管理问题一并做了分析研究。到最后,针对GM公司采购管理中存在的不同问题提出了相应的一系列的解决方案和措施。一是梳理新供应商开发组织分权模式,二是改善供应商的开发与日常采购管理,三是建立GM公司的企业项目采购团队等,最后对管理信息不对称问题则通过扩大获取渠道、筛选分析信息源的办法给以缓解,这些都包括建立采购数据库模块化、增设采购信息专门管理部门、做到物料统一采购、对供应商进行供货绩效激励、强化采购合同管理、定期拜访供应商等等。
[Abstract]:After entering the 21st century, the real estate industry has experienced the initial development in the 1990s. In recent years, the real estate industry in our country has developed rapidly. Because kitchen cabinet industry is an important related industry of real estate industry, the development of kitchen cabinet industry is also very fast. Kitchen cabinet enterprises are now paying more attention to and focusing on the market because of the fierce competition in the industry, the more rational consumption of buyers and the spread of the global financial crisis, and the promotion of enterprise management innovation and marketing innovation. In 2008, The emergence of the financial crisis sweeping the world has intensified the competition in the industry, thus affecting the profound changes taking place in the raw materials market of kitchen cabinets, and the various procurement activities tend to be complex and changeable. Kitchen cabinet enterprises themselves have increasingly higher requirements for the management of procurement work. Procurement management will play an increasingly important role in the current market environment. GM Company is the leading enterprise in the industry, but it has always followed the traditional procurement model. Facing the huge challenge of the market environment, it is urgent to carry out innovation and reform, and follow the idea of "customer first" advocated by GM, in order to improve work efficiency, reduce procurement risk, and enhance the profits of enterprises. In order to achieve the business objectives of the completion. In this paper, the enterprise history, organization structure, product profile, business type and development status of GM Company are introduced one by one, and then the current situation of domestic kitchen cabinet industry is summarized. Then it describes the organization form of GM company's current development supplier, the daily purchasing management activities and the supplier audit management, and probes into the various problems existing therein. At the same time, the problem of procurement management caused by asymmetric information in enterprise purchasing management is also analyzed and studied. Finally, a series of solutions and measures are put forward in view of the different problems existing in GM's purchasing management. One is to sort out the new supplier development organization decentralization model, the other is to improve the supplier's development and daily purchasing management, the third is to establish the enterprise project procurement team of GM Company, and finally, to solve the problem of asymmetric management information through expanding the access channels. The methods of selecting and analyzing information sources are alleviated. These include establishing modularization of procurement database, establishing special management department of procurement information, achieving unified procurement of materials, encouraging suppliers' supply performance, and strengthening procurement contract management. Visit suppliers regularly, etc.


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