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发布时间:2018-08-03 17:47
[Abstract]:In the first half of 2016, there were 219 land kings across the country, making them the densest year ever. The land king spreads from the first line to the second line city, "the high total price, the high unit price, the high premium rate" three high land plot generally appears in the first, in the second tier city. 219 "land king", the premium rate exceeds 100% land area has 109, surpasses 50% to reach 167. Land cost is a key component of house price. In 2014, land cost and real estate taxes accounted for 80% of commercial housing sales, of which land cost accounted for 54% of commercial housing sales, which became an important reason to push up house prices. Why does the king of earth come out frequently? Must be the maker and beneficiary of the King of the Earth? Land finance is the core of local government finance, which is about half of the local general budget income, plus the tax revenue related to real estate. Cause
【作者单位】: 方正证券;


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1 本报记者 张敏;前两月全国商品房销售额增长近八成[N];中国证券报;2013年

2 顾朝辉 记者 吴丹;房地产完成投资26.2亿 商品房销售额27.5亿[N];上饶日报;2013年

3 本报记者 张敏;上半年商品房销售额同比下降6.7%[N];中国证券报;2014年

4 ;全国商品房销售额3536亿元 比上年同期增长37.1%[N];中国信息报;2003年

5 记者 刘铮;一季度商品房销售额增57.7%[N];新华每日电讯;2010年

6 记者 王昕;商品房销售额增长逾4成[N];西安日报;2010年

7 记者 徐庆成 通讯员 陈飞燕;商品房销售额同比增长三成[N];广西日报;2013年

8 记者 王懿;前8月商品房销售额同比下降8.9%[N];上海金融报;2014年

9 记者  孙秀霞;前8月我省商品房销售额达136.3亿元[N];黑龙江经济报;2006年

10 记者 孙秀霞;7月我省商品房销售额增长三成[N];黑龙江经济报;2007年




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