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发布时间:2018-08-04 14:25
【摘要】:经济发展的今天,资源消耗已经达到了临界水平。随着资源总量的日益减少,环境污染日益加重,国家陆续出台政策和措施限制资源的消耗和污染的排放,鼓励资源型企业摆脱粗放型生产方式,采用集约型生产方式,鼓励其加大资金投入实现企业转型。鉴于此,资源型企业开始选择多元化的发展道路。在这样一个经济发展的大环境下,本文以资源型企业为研究对象,分析了资源型企业多元化行业选择的内容。 首先,本文定义了资源型企业是通过对地下矿产资源的占有,以矿产资源的生产和初级加工为基本生产方式,以生产的资源型产品为主营业务产品,尽可能利用区域范围内的自然资源,依靠资源的消耗来实现成长的企业。由于符合这一定义的资源型企业较多,而且数据很难收集,所以本文选择了近三年(2010-2012)的资源型企业上市公司作为代表,根据他们的主营业务和其他业务情况,利用层次聚类分析的R型聚类分析方法对资源型企业上市公司多元化选择的行业进行变量分析。本文根据金融网的分类以及申万行业分类标准把资源型企业主要分为三类:有色金属行业、能源行业以及钢铁行业。通过分别对这三类行业多元化选择进行聚类分析,得出了有色金属上市公司多元化行业选择主要集中在电力煤炭、电解铝及深加工以及进出口贸易等行业,能源上市公司多元化业务选择主要集中在煤化工、电力、铁路运输等行业,钢铁行业上市公司多元化业务主要集中在化工、煤炭、贸易等行业。这三个行业的共同点是多元化行业选择倾向于与公司主营业务相关度较高的行业,同时也会进入一些门槛较低,利润较高的服务性行业,还有一些公司会选择一些比较热门的行业比如房地产、信息科技等行业。 根据对资源型企业上市公司的研究可以得出,资源型企业多元化业务应该以自身主营业务为中心,选择那些具有较高行业吸引力以及具有较强相关性的行业,选择这些行业进行多元化之前,资源型企业应该考虑其自身是否具有剩余资源去实现整合上下游产业链来达到管理、技术的协同以降低企业生产成本。同时,资源型企业应该培育和形成自己的核心能力,在进行多元化行业选择之前,考虑核心能力能否移植到多元化业务中去,或者通过多元化业务来培育和增强企业的核心能力。唯有满足以上条件,资源型企业多元化才能够获得长期的竞争优势和可持续发展。
[Abstract]:Today's economic development, the consumption of resources has reached a critical level. With the decrease of the total amount of resources and the worsening of environmental pollution, the state has successively issued policies and measures to limit the consumption of resources and the discharge of pollution, encouraging resource-based enterprises to get rid of extensive production methods and adopt intensive production methods. Encourage it to increase capital input to achieve corporate transformation. In view of this, resource-based enterprises began to choose a diversified development path. In such an environment of economic development, this paper takes resource-based enterprises as the research object, and analyzes the content of the diversified industry selection of resource-based enterprises. First of all, this paper defines the resource-based enterprises as the main business products through the possession of underground mineral resources, taking the production and primary processing of mineral resources as the basic mode of production, and taking the resource-based products produced as the main business products. As far as possible, the use of regional natural resources, rely on the consumption of resources to achieve growth of enterprises. Because there are more resource-based enterprises in accordance with this definition, and the data is difficult to collect, this paper chooses the listed companies of resource-based enterprises in the past three years (2010-2012) as their representatives, according to their main business and other business situation. The R type clustering analysis method based on hierarchical cluster analysis is used to analyze the diversity of listed companies in resource-based enterprises. According to the classification of financial network and the classification of Shenwan industry, this paper divides resource-based enterprises into three categories: nonferrous metal industry, energy industry and steel industry. Through the cluster analysis of these three types of industry diversification options, it is concluded that the diversification of non-ferrous metal listed companies mainly focus on the industries of power coal, electrolytic aluminum and deep processing, import and export trade, etc. The diversified business choice of listed energy companies is mainly concentrated in coal chemical industry, power industry, railway transportation and so on, while the diversified business of steel listed companies is mainly concentrated in chemical industry, coal industry, trade and so on. The common denominator of these three industries is that diversified industries tend to be more relevant to the company's main business, and at the same time they will enter some service industries with lower barriers and higher profits. Some companies will choose more popular industries such as real estate, information technology and so on. According to the research on the listed companies of resource-based enterprises, it can be concluded that the diversified business of resource-based enterprises should focus on their own main business, and select those industries with higher industry attraction and strong relevance. Before selecting these industries for diversification, resource-based enterprises should consider whether they have the surplus resources to realize the integration of upstream and downstream industrial chains to achieve management and technological coordination to reduce the production costs of enterprises. At the same time, resource-based enterprises should cultivate and form their own core competence, and consider whether the core competence can be transplanted into diversified business before making diversified industry choices. Or through the diversification of business to cultivate and enhance the core competence of the enterprise. Only by satisfying the above conditions can resource-based enterprises obtain long-term competitive advantage and sustainable development.


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