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发布时间:2018-08-06 16:33
[Abstract]:In recent years, real estate projects in China have developed rapidly. For real estate investors, it is particularly important to study the financial evaluation of real estate projects before investment and construction. Are real estate project investors are very concerned about the problem. Whether the project investment is successful or not, the evaluation research before investment is the key, and the financial evaluation is the core of the project evaluation research. As a special field of project investment, the real estate investment project has the characteristics of high risk, large profit, long period and so on. This article takes the Weifang Changqing international real estate project as the research object, carries on the financial appraisal research to the real estate project, provides the reference basis for the investor, but also provides the beneficial enlightenment for the other real estate development project. The research results show that the construction of Weifang Changqing International Real Estate Project is in line with the national industrial policy, the national and Shandong industry development plan, and the Weifang urban development master plan. Project and project construction units comply with the relevant regulations of industry access, project location is reasonable. After the completion of the project, can bring a great role for the local economy. The financial risk of the project is very low, but there are certain policy risks. Overall, this project is feasible. From the above static indicators of this project, the investment profit margin of the sales period, especially the resale year, is very high, the investment profit margin of the lease period is low, and the overall average annual investment profit margin is over 13%. Therefore, it is feasible to analyze the investment profit rate. In addition, from the point of view of the period of stage construction and operation, from the above several dynamic indicators of the project, the (FNPV) before and after tax of the project's own funds is all greater than zero. Pre-tax and after-tax financial internal rate of return (FIRR) is greater than the expected rate of return of 10%. Therefore, from the point of view of self-capital dynamic profit analysis, this project is feasible. From the point of view of risk assessment, the break-even point of the project is 47.8.The sales income of the project can be recovered if it can reach the expected 47.8 percent, and the capital preservation point is relatively low. This shows that the project has a strong ability to resist risks.


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