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发布时间:2018-08-08 21:55
【摘要】:CF担保公司成立于年1998年,是全国第一家住房置业担保公司,是市场的开拓者和领军企业。近年来,一方面是国家为维护房地产市场的健康稳定发展而采取了一系列政策措施,另一方面房贷市场的潜在风险也在不断增加,而与此同时,CF担保公司经过了十多年的高速发展,配套的规章制度、风险管理等成为了其进一步发展的瓶颈,亟待规范和完善。在这样的情况下,企业如何做好内部风险防控工作,使风险防控系统与企业的发展相适应,成为了CF担保公司迫在眉睫的问题,论文正是针对这个问题深入展开的。 随着时代的发展,信息技术已成为企业获取竞争优势以及控制内部环境的重要工具。特别是管理信息系统,是提高现代企业管理效率以及维护日常运作平稳有效不可或缺的工具。有效的管理信息系统的运用,可以利用高效的计算机进行数据处理,把人从繁琐重复的劳动中解脱出来,提高工作人员的效率,同时向管理层提供用于支持其决策的信息,优化管理,支撑战略决策,提高公司整体运行效率和提高竞争力。而与公司业务不适应,落后的管理信息系统,则可能成为多余的操作,增加工作人员的工作量。特别是一旦提供的是滞后的,甚至错误的信息,在此基础上建立的决策就很可能给公司带来灾难。 CF担保公司,是典型的金融服务企业。其服务产品有着虚拟性,更适用于通过信息技术和管理信息系统进行管理。管理信息、系统成为CF担保公司重要的运营体系,成为企业日常经营管理和业务开展不可或缺的组成部分。随着外部环境和内部环境的进一步变化,其管理信息系统已不能满足发展需求,急需完善。论文首先分析CF担保公司的管理信息系统的缺陷和不足、现存的问题和潜在的问题,找到了CF担保公司管理信息系统应该如何完善的方向。在确定方向后,论文应用信息系统内部控制框架,从计划与组织、获取与实施、交付与支持、监控与评价四个方向,探讨了管理信息系统的完善方案,并对方案进行风险评估和可行性研究,探讨方案实施的可能性。同时,也提出了一系列措施完善CF担保公司的信息技术治理环境,以便能够保障完善后的管理信息系统平稳运行。最后,给出一定的标准和方法在完善CF担保公司管理信息系统方案实施前对项目进行监控、预评估和在方案完成后进行评价。在监控与评价管理信息系统的同时,为管理信息系统的运行提供信息技术治理,保证管理信息系统发挥更大的效用。论文遵循发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的流程对CF担保公司的管理信息系统完善方案提供参考性意见。
[Abstract]:CF guarantee Company, founded in 1998, is the first home purchase guarantee company in China and a pioneer and leader in the market. In recent years, on the one hand, the state has taken a series of policy measures to maintain the healthy and stable development of the real estate market, on the other hand, the potential risks of the housing loan market are also increasing. At the same time, after more than ten years of rapid development, the supporting rules and regulations, risk management become the bottleneck of its further development, and need to be standardized and improved. In this case, how to do a good job of internal risk prevention and control, so that the risk prevention and control system to adapt to the development of enterprises, become an urgent problem for CF guarantee companies, the paper is aimed at this problem in depth. With the development of the times, information technology has become an important tool for enterprises to gain competitive advantage and control the internal environment. Especially the management information system is an indispensable tool to improve the efficiency of modern enterprise management and to maintain the smooth and effective daily operation. The use of effective management information systems can use efficient computers for data processing, freeing people from tedious and repetitive work, improving staff efficiency, and providing management with information to support their decisions, Optimize management, support strategic decisions, improve the overall operational efficiency of the company and improve competitiveness. However, the unsuitable and backward management information system may become redundant and increase the workload of the staff. Especially, once the information provided is lagging or even wrong, the decision made on this basis may bring disaster to the company. CF guarantee company is a typical financial service enterprise. Its service products are virtual and more suitable for management through information technology and management information system. Management information, the system has become an important operating system of CF guarantee company, and become an indispensable part of daily management and business development. With the further changes of external environment and internal environment, its management information system can not meet the development needs and needs to be improved urgently. Firstly, the paper analyzes the defects and shortcomings of CF guarantee company's management information system, the existing problems and potential problems, and finds out the direction of how to improve the CF guarantee company's management information system. After determining the direction, the paper applies the internal control framework of the information system, from four directions of plan and organization, acquisition and implementation, delivery and support, monitoring and evaluation, discusses the perfect scheme of the management information system. Risk assessment and feasibility study are also carried out to explore the possibility of implementation of the scheme. At the same time, it also puts forward a series of measures to improve the information technology governance environment of CF guarantee company, so as to ensure the smooth operation of the management information system. Finally, some standards and methods are given to monitor, pre-evaluate and evaluate the project before the implementation of the management information system scheme of CF guarantee company. While monitoring and evaluating the management information system, it provides information technology governance for the operation of the management information system, and ensures the management information system to play a greater role. The paper follows the procedures of problem finding, problem analysis and problem solving to provide reference for CF guarantee company's management information system improvement scheme.


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