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发布时间:2018-08-08 21:29
【摘要】:房地产企业实际上是一个综合型的企业,从设计开发到建筑实施,最后到营销推广,都需要大量专业综合能力强的人才,也只有综合能力强的人才才能处理好房地产企业中各种复杂的关系.所以,从这个角度看,对于房地产企业来讲,人力资源管理的作用十分重要。W房地产公司在人力资源管理中出现了一些管理中的问题,导致人力资源管理不畅,直接影响公司的运转和企业效益的增加,本文通过文献综述、案例分析和理论与实践相结合等方法,对人力资源管理理论的探讨和W房地产公司目前人力资源管理存在的问题,进行深层次的探讨,找到根本原因,并在理论的基础上结合公司的实际情况,提出W房地产公司人力资源管理改革的办法和具体对策。希望通过对房地产行业深入了解的基础上,运用人力资源开发管理的理论和方法,为W房地产公司人力资源管理找出具体解决方案,,提高企业的管理能力,以实现其总体战略目标,促进企业健康、有序的发展。不仅是对W房地产公司一家企业有用,可以说,对此类公司的人力资源管理改革都能起到一定的借鉴和理论指导意义,不管是从理论上还是现实中,都具有一定的意义。 通过国内外文献的研究,对有关人力资源管理和员工流失管理及激励和战略性绩效管理进行梳理和介绍,为研究提供了理论基础和依撑;通过调查W房地产公司人力资源现状,发现及W房地产公司人力资源存在的关健管理问题有员工流失严重和工作效率偏低的问题,以为主要是W房地产公司人力资源管理在规划、薪酬、考核和培训管理方面不到位和制度、文化与领导力方面的欠缺导致;在对W房地产公司人力资源现状及人力资源管理中存在的问题进行原因剖析后,提出W房地产公司人力资源管理重点与对策,分别从制度层面,领导力的塑造层面和企业文化建设层面进行阐述。本文给W房地产公司人力资源管理的改革途径找到准确的解决办法,使之人力资源管理改革可以顺利进行,并为企业提供更高的经济效益服务。
[Abstract]:A real estate enterprise is actually a comprehensive enterprise. From design and development to architectural implementation, and finally to marketing promotion, a large number of professionals with strong comprehensive abilities are needed. Only the ability of comprehensive talent to deal with real estate enterprises in a variety of complex relationships. Therefore, from this point of view, for real estate enterprises, the role of human resources management is very important .W real estate companies in human resources management has some problems, resulting in human resources management is not smooth, This paper, through literature review, case analysis and combination of theory and practice, discusses the theory of human resource management and the problems existing in W real estate company's human resource management. This paper makes a deep discussion, finds out the fundamental reasons, and puts forward the methods and concrete countermeasures of human resource management reform of W real estate company on the basis of theory combined with the actual situation of the company. On the basis of deep understanding of the real estate industry, the author hopes to find a concrete solution to the human resource management of W real estate company by using the theory and method of human resource development and management, so as to improve the management ability of the enterprise. In order to achieve its overall strategic objectives, to promote the healthy and orderly development of enterprises. It is not only useful for a W real estate company, but also useful for the reform of human resource management in this kind of company, both in theory and in reality. Through the domestic and foreign literature research, the related human resources management and the staff turnover management and the incentive and the strategic performance management were combed and introduced, which provided the theoretical foundation and the support for the research; through the investigation W real estate company human resources present situation, Found and W real estate company human resources key management problems there are serious staff loss and work efficiency problems, think that W real estate company human resources management in the planning, compensation, Assessment and training management is not in place and system, culture and leadership are not in place. After analyzing the current situation of human resources and the problems in human resource management of W real estate company, This paper puts forward the key points and countermeasures of W real estate company's human resource management, respectively from the system level, the leadership level and the enterprise culture construction stratification plane carries on the elaboration. This paper provides an accurate solution to the reform of human resource management in W real estate company, which makes the reform of human resource management go on smoothly and provides a higher economic benefit service for the enterprise.


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