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发布时间:2018-08-12 09:39
【摘要】:近年来伴随着房地产产业的兴旺发展,城市中心区可出售的土地已经越来越少,同时由于各种原因出售土地的地块面积也越来越小。进而国家已对各省市区重点建设项目提出建设绿色建筑要求,节地已经作为一个规范要求写进绿色建筑设计规范里面。有别于一般“摊大饼式”的购物中心垂直型购物中心在我国正处于起步阶段,为进一步更好地设计垂直型购物中心,笔者从节地的角度对其进行剖析研究。在中国国家国土资源部对城乡建设节地模式的三种类型上,对海珠城广场项目及其它周边地区垂直型购物中心进行节地研究分析。 平面节地上通过规划布局、建筑单体、室外场地三个方面进行分析。垂直型购物中心规划布局上向高空及地下发展,减少用地面积提高地块容积率达到起商业所需规模,节约城市用地。利用城市中心区立体公共交通设施,组织立体流线出入口,减少地面出入口及地面交通的面积。垂直型购物中心在建筑单体上,通过低区主入口处设置主力店的方式,利用便捷跨多层的扶手电梯实现业态的垂直布置。单体内部通过在中庭空间设置立体交叉的扶手电梯、分高低区设计走道宽度、合理设置电梯数量以及让办公大堂空中化的方法减少公共交通面积达到节地的目的。垂直型购物中心在场地设计上,与传统购物中心相比基本不设置入口广场,或采用架空首层作为公共交通出入口的的方式设置入口场地以减少对土地的浪费。与周边市政广场合用这种集约使用场地提高土地使用率的方法也是一个不错的选择。海珠城广场项目存在河涌用地这个不利因素,可以通过设备进行商业包装提高河涌用地的利用率,建议在河涌底部加建商业地下空间作为两个区在地下的商业连接,也可以达到立体利用土地的目的。 立体节地空间上应凭借城市中心区公共交通的优势大力发展地下商业空间,从而减少对地面用地的依赖。将传统的地面停车移至地下发展地下地车库。通过水、电、暖通以及停车设施的分析,最大限度的利用垂直空间。人防空间作为战时的特殊空间也可作为商业空间,是商业的有效补充。连廊作为垂直型购物中心重要的组成部分,除能起到连接周边商业空间形成一个整体的商圈外,还能加大对土地的立体利用,对城市人车分流节约地面公共交通面积有积极的作用。连接商业及高层空间的屋顶,作为园林绿化供公众使用情况下建议可成为城市绿化体系的一部分,从而解放地面面积加大土地的利用率。 立体节地时间上的分析,从购物中心售楼及租赁场地位置设置以及购物中心营运场地两个方面去分析。充分发挥场地在时间上的灵活性。一个场地在不同时间段可以有不同的功能,通过被动式的立体节地即根据人流或季节的变化周期安排空间在其周期内的功能,通过主动式的立体节地即通过人为的对时间节点的限制去安排事情发展的顺序,两种办法达到时间节地的目的。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of the real estate industry, the land available for sale in the urban central area has become less and less, and the land area for sale has become smaller and smaller due to various reasons. The vertical shopping centers of shopping centers, which are different from the general "big cake-spread" shopping centers, are in the initial stage in China. In order to better design the vertical shopping centers, the author analyzes and studies them from the perspective of land-saving. The Haizhu City Plaza project and other vertical shopping centers in the surrounding areas are analyzed.
Plane layout, building units and outdoor venues are analyzed in this paper. Vertical shopping centers are planned to develop into high-altitude and underground areas, reduce land area, increase plot size to meet commercial needs, and save urban land. Vertical shopping mall in the building monomer, through the main entrance of the low area of the main store, the use of convenient multi-storey elevator across the armrest to achieve vertical layout of the business form. Width, reasonable number of elevators and aerial office lobby to reduce the area of public transport to achieve the purpose of land saving. Vertical shopping center in the venue design, compared with traditional shopping centers, basically no entrance square, or the use of overhead floors as public transport entrances and exits to reduce the number of entrances. It's a waste of land. It's also a good choice to use this kind of intensive site with the surrounding municipal plaza to improve the utilization rate of land. As a commercial connection between the two districts, the purpose of three-dimensional land use can also be achieved.
The underground commercial space should be developed with the advantage of public transportation in the urban central area to reduce the dependence on the ground. The traditional ground parking should be moved to underground garage for underground development. As an important part of the vertical shopping center, the corridor not only can connect the surrounding commercial space to form a whole business circle, but also can increase the three-dimensional use of land, which has a positive effect on the urban pedestrian-vehicle diversion to save the surface area of public transport. Roofs connected with commercial and high-rise spaces are proposed to be part of the urban greening system when they are afforested for public use, thereby liberating the ground area and increasing land use efficiency.
The time analysis of the three-dimensional Festival is made from two aspects: the location of the shopping mall's sales and rental sites and the operating space of the shopping mall. Arranging the function of space in its cycle, we can achieve the goal of time and space by active three-dimensional space, that is, arranging the sequence of events by artificial restriction of time nodes.


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