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发布时间:2018-08-14 12:35
【摘要】:“所谓组织管理就是人力资源管理,最终展现出来的是组织绩效。”出自现代管理学大师德鲁克。那么一个企业的绩效管理好坏也直接决定了这个企业的经营状况。企业经营的目的就是为了创造利润,同时提高企业经营的活性,那么绩效管理就是最直接的反应和控制企业经营的一种针对管理的有效工具,所以绩效管理得到各行各业广泛的应用同时也收到良好的效果。在这一有效的管理理念的引导示范下,近些年来,“绩效管理”受到了各企事业单位越来越多的关注和重视,同时随着人力资源成为一门学科得到深入研究,那么绩效管理作为人力资源管理中的重要工具,其理论、思想、技术、及经验更多的被各企事业单位所采用,在国内激烈的市场竞争中,企业的综合能力和经营活力越发成为企业在市场竞争中的制胜法宝,作为有效管理业绩的工具,绩效管理越发得到各企事业单位的重视,但就实施效果来看,各家企业的绩效管理都起着不同的作用,同时在管理过程中也出现这样那样的问题。 南京R集团公司是一家民营房地产企业,经过多年的绩效管理现已形成一套完善的绩效管理体系,公司所有工作的绩效目标都奉行可量化、可执行、可考核、有时间节点,获得了很好的执行效果,同时在企业内部建立了完善的系统的内部管控体系。随着南京R集团公司的企业规模的不断扩大,在取得良好经营业绩的同时,企业的凝聚力、向心力、员工粘度却在下降,人才流失,各部门出现工作推诿,不愿承担,推卸责任,这些问题都在拷问着公司的领导。 本文以南京R集团公司为背景,通过管理中的典型事例,结合企业绩效管理理论和人力资源相关领域理论知识,对南京R集团公司绩效管理实施中出现的管理问题和存在的管理隐患进行分析,同时根据南京R集团公司的实际情况,提出建议和对策。
[Abstract]:"so-called organization management is human resources management, and the ultimate manifestation is organizational performance." From modern management master Drucker. So the performance management of an enterprise also directly determines the business situation of this enterprise. The purpose of enterprise management is to create profits and improve the activity of enterprise management, so performance management is the most direct response and control of the business operation of an effective tool for management. Therefore, performance management has been widely used in various industries, but also received good results. Under the guidance and demonstration of this effective management concept, in recent years, "performance management" has been paid more and more attention to by enterprises and institutions, at the same time, with the development of human resources as a subject, it has been deeply studied. Well, performance management as an important tool in human resources management, its theory, ideas, technology, and experience are more adopted by various enterprises and institutions, in the fierce domestic market competition, The comprehensive ability and management vitality of the enterprise have become the magic weapon of the enterprise in the market competition. As a tool of effective performance management, the performance management has been paid more and more attention by the enterprises and institutions, but from the point of view of the effect of the implementation, Each enterprise's performance management plays a different role, at the same time in the management process also appears one kind of question. Nanjing R Group Company is a private real estate enterprise. After many years of performance management, a set of perfect performance management system has been formed. The performance objectives of all work of the company are quantifiable, executable, assessable, and have a time node. At the same time, a perfect system of internal control system is established in the enterprise. With the expansion of the enterprise scale of Nanjing R Group Company, while obtaining good business performance, the cohesion, centripetal force and staff viscosity of the enterprise are declining, the brain drain, the departments appear job prevarication, do not want to undertake, Shirking the blame, these questions are grilling the company's leaders. This article takes Nanjing R Group as the background, through the typical example in the management, unifies the enterprise performance management theory and the human resources related domain theory knowledge, This paper analyzes the management problems and hidden dangers in the implementation of performance management of Nanjing R Group Company, and puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures according to the actual situation of Nanjing R Group Company.


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