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发布时间:2018-08-14 13:14
【摘要】:当前,面对全球经济一体化的趋势,企业之间人力资源、技术资源、信息资源、市场资源等竞争变得异常激烈。对于房地产行业而言,其具有规模大、资金密集、关联产业多的特点,随着行业结构的优化和市场细分的加剧,人才竞争已成为房地产企业提升核心竞争力的关键因素,如何吸引和使用好人才,也是摆在大多数房地产商面前的一道难题和迫切需要解决的问题。 绩效考核管理是企业人力资源工作的重要组成部分,也是调动员工积极性、激发员工潜能的有效方法和途径。企业绩效考核制度是否完善、程序是否严谨、指标设计是否科学、结果运用是否公平公正,都会直接影响企业阶段性和长期性战略目标的实现。作为提升企业科学管理水平,提高企业自身竞争力的有效途径,越来越多的企业把建立健全绩效考核体系作为提高企业核心竞争力,保障企业发展核心动力的重要课题来研究。 HNGS房地产公司是一家国有控股企业,为不断适应新时期房地产行业日益激烈的竞争,企业从2010年开始尝试和探索绩效考核管理工作,通过几年的实践,绩效考核制度的实施对于调动员工劳动积极性,增强员工责任意识,提升工作效率起到了一定作用,但随着市场的变化和公司规模的扩大,原有的绩效考核制度暴漏出了一些问题,影响了企业总体战略和组织目标的顺利实现。本文以HNGS房地产公司为研究对象,对公司绩效考核指标设计、评价标准、反馈沟通、激励方式等存在的问题进行诊断与分析,并针对存在的问题,以绩效考核相关理论为基础,借鉴和采用关键绩效指标(KPI)、目标管理法、360度考核法等绩效考核工具,以“关键业绩、目标管理、跟踪考核、奖惩兑现”为考核原则,将公司战略目标、组织绩效、部门绩效及个人绩效有效结合,建立“企业战略、组织目标、个人业绩”三位一体的考核指标体系,对所属各项目单位、机关各部门及个人岗位业绩指标、权重及考评细则进行详细设计,在此基础上,对绩效考核程序、结果运用及相关保障措施等方面进行设计,构建和完善HNGS房地产公司绩效考核体系,促进和推动公司健康稳定持续发展。
[Abstract]:At present, in the face of the trend of global economic integration, the competition among enterprises such as human resources, technical resources, information resources and market resources has become extremely fierce. For the real estate industry, it has the characteristics of large scale, capital intensive, and many related industries. With the optimization of industry structure and the intensification of market segmentation, talent competition has become the key factor to enhance the core competitiveness of real estate enterprises. How to attract and make good use of talents is also a difficult problem and urgent need to be solved in front of most real estate developers. Performance appraisal management is an important part of enterprise human resources work, it is also an effective way to arouse the enthusiasm of employees and stimulate their potential. Whether the enterprise performance appraisal system is perfect, whether the procedure is strict, whether the index design is scientific, and whether the result is fair and just will directly affect the realization of the enterprise's stage and long-term strategic goal. As an effective way to improve the level of scientific management and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, more and more enterprises take the establishment and improvement of performance appraisal system as the core competitiveness of enterprises. HNGS Real Estate Company is a state-controlled enterprise, in order to adapt to the increasingly fierce competition of the real estate industry in the new era. The enterprise began to try and explore the performance appraisal management work in 2010. Through several years' practice, the implementation of the performance appraisal system has played a certain role in arousing the employees' enthusiasm for labor, enhancing the staff's sense of responsibility, and improving the work efficiency. But with the change of the market and the expansion of the company's scale, the original performance appraisal system has caused some problems, which has affected the successful realization of the enterprise's overall strategy and organizational goal. This article takes HNGS real estate company as the research object, carries on the diagnosis and the analysis to the company performance appraisal index design, the appraisal standard, the feedback communication, the incentive way and so on, and aims at the existence question, takes the performance appraisal correlation theory as the foundation. Using the key performance index (KPI), objective management method and 360-degree appraisal method for reference, taking "key achievement, objective management, tracking assessment, reward and punishment to realize" as the evaluation principle, the company's strategic objectives and organizational performance are put forward. Effective combination of department performance and personal performance, the establishment of "enterprise strategy, organizational objectives, personal performance" evaluation index system, to the affiliated project units, departments and individual performance indicators, On the basis of the detailed design of weight and appraisal rules, the performance appraisal procedure, result application and related safeguard measures are designed to construct and perfect the performance appraisal system of HNGS real estate company. Promote and promote the company's healthy, stable and sustainable development.


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