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发布时间:2018-08-14 14:43
【摘要】:中国和日本是毗邻之国,两国从古代至今互相学习,互相影响。从古代时,日本模仿汉字造成假名记录文字以来,再到近代中国向日本学习民主共和的道路,虽然政治上的纠葛不断,但也不能完全否认互相学习、影响的事实。 在日本,研究中国的学者非常多,他们了解中国的历史、文化、经济、政治,反观中国,由于民族情结的过剩,大部分人对日本抱着敌视的态度,再加上中国人的大国情结,又对日本抱着轻视的态度,进而不屑了解日本的一切。然而这是一种行不通的态度,日本经济的强大是有它本身所特有的道理,本着学习的心态,应该多和日本对比,进行学习,从而才能超越它。 日本房地产已经经历过泡沫经济时期,泡沫的破灭使房地产市场的发展在现实中逐步走向平稳,而中国正处于房地产飞速的发展期,它的拐点在现阶段是不得而知的,也许拿两个这样处在不同发展阶段的市场进行比较是不太合理的,但是,从长远的时间来看,中国总会慢慢发展到日本现阶段所处的水平,在一般意义上,日本的经验还是具有一定的现实意义,寻找现阶段中国房地产市场规范的不足,从而促进房地产市场的发展。 文章对中日两国的房地产市场进行相关探讨,从市场概况、政府规制、行业自律的角度分别分析,,市场概况重点从中日两国市场发展沿革及土地市场、房产市场、房地产资金市场的现状进行说明;政府规制主要是从经济性规制(包含进入规制、价格规制和投资规制)和社会性规制进行说明;行业自律是在两国行业组织概况的情况下,重点比较了中国房地产行业协会和全日本不动产协会在规制制定权、规制实施权、惩罚权方面的差异。 文章通过以上的探讨,试图描绘出市场进行资源配置手段的结构,从而对其进行比较分析,找出差异之处,初步判定差异产生的原因,最后进行总结和初步建议。
[Abstract]:China and Japan are neighboring countries, the two countries from ancient times to learn from each other, influence each other. From ancient times, Japan imitated Chinese characters to create a pseudonym record, and then to modern China to learn from Japan the way of democratic republic, although the political disputes continue, but also can not completely deny the fact that they learn from each other and influence each other. In Japan, there are a lot of scholars who study China. They understand China's history, culture, economy, politics, and on the other hand, China. Because of the excess national complex, most people are hostile to Japan, coupled with the Chinese complex of great powers. He despised Japan and then disdained to understand everything about Japan. However, this is a kind of unworkable attitude, Japan's economic strength has its own unique reason, in the spirit of learning, should be compared with Japan, learning, in order to surpass it. Japan's real estate has gone through a period of bubble economy. The bursting of the bubble has made the development of the real estate market gradually smooth in reality, while China is in a period of rapid development of real estate. Its inflection point is unknown at this stage. It may not be reasonable to compare the two markets at different stages of development. However, in the long run, China will always slowly develop to the level at which Japan is at this stage, in the general sense. The experience of Japan is still of practical significance, to find out the deficiency of China's real estate market at present, so as to promote the development of real estate market. This paper discusses the real estate market of China and Japan, analyzes the market situation, government regulation and industry self-discipline respectively. The market situation focuses on the development of land market and real estate market from the market of China and Japan. The current situation of the real estate capital market is explained; the government regulation is mainly from the economic regulation (including entry regulation, price regulation and investment regulation) and social regulation. The differences between China Real Estate Industry Association and Japan Real Estate Association in the rights of regulation, enforcement and punishment are compared. Through the above discussion, this paper attempts to describe the structure of the means of resource allocation in the market, and then makes a comparative analysis of the structure, finds out the differences, preliminarily determines the causes of the differences, and finally makes a summary and preliminary suggestions.


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