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发布时间:2018-08-14 15:41
【摘要】:伴随着我国房地产行业的飞速发展,一系列的问题也随之产生。最大的问题莫过于房地产业如何与周边环境的和谐共处。现在的人们选择居住区不再局限于住宅的面积大小,,更多的人将目光投向了窗外。居住区景观环境的优劣越来越影响到人们的居住品质。因此居住区的景观环境设计生态化已成为大家关注的焦点。在规划中融入生态景观环境的设计要素已必不可少,如何保障人与环境的和谐统一是设计的重中之重。在满足住宅使用功能的同时优化室外环境是提高人们居住品质的重要途径。通过科学的空间分割、生态的环境营造等各个主要方面,形成一个由点及面的设计构架,提高人们生活品质的同时,又能优化城市整体环境规划。 论文从居住区公共景观空间的分割与渗透、生态绿地景观规划、公共建筑景观及小品的设计、景观生态植物树种的选择几个层面入手,剖析居住区生态景观设计的重要性。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's real estate industry, a series of problems have emerged. The biggest problem is how to live in harmony with the surrounding environment. People now choose residential areas no longer confined to the size of the housing, more people look out of the window. The quality of residential landscape environment affects people's living quality more and more. Therefore, ecological landscape design of residential areas has become the focus of attention. It is necessary to incorporate the design elements of ecological landscape environment into the planning. How to ensure the harmony and unity between people and environment is the most important part of the design. It is an important way to improve people's living quality by optimizing outdoor environment while satisfying the function of residential use. Through scientific space segmentation, ecological environment construction and other main aspects, a design framework of points and surfaces can be formed to improve people's quality of life, and at the same time, to optimize the overall environmental planning of the city. This paper analyzes the importance of ecological landscape design in residential area from the following aspects: the division and infiltration of public landscape space, the landscape planning of ecological green space, the design of landscape and sketch of public buildings, and the selection of plant species for landscape ecology.


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