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发布时间:2018-08-15 12:08
【摘要】:专业的商业计划书既是一个企业寻找投资的必备条件,也是左右投资人投资成功与否的关键措施,更是一个企业对自身的现状及未来发展战略全面思索和重新定位的重要过程。 JF商业地产项目是广东JS有限公司与广州市DT总公司合作开发的、位于广州市地铁一号线上的地铁上盖项目,因为多方面的主、客观原因,该项目被搁置多年,目前重启开发的条件基本具备。鉴于此,本文从几个方面对项目开发的可行性进行探讨和研究,借以为投资人决策提供参考,为投资人经营提出建议。主要内容包括: 对论文研究的背景和意义以及投资决策需要运用的几个重要原理——“五力”分析模型、SWOT分析模型、企业竞争战略、市场营销等进行了简要阐述。 简要介绍了项目开发商和项目的基本情况,并分析了项目开发所处的宏观政策环境和市场竞争环境,分析了项目开发所具备的优势和存在的劣势、项目开发应把握的机会和面临的风险。总体来看,政府会继续采取多种措施加强对房地产价格的调控,行业竞争日趋激烈;项目开发优势凸显,机会明显超越风险。 在对项目所处环境及项目自身条件分析的基础上,对目标市场和目标客户进行了分析,据此对项目开发进行了定位,并对实现目标应采取的市场营销策略进行了设计。目标市场以零售、休闲娱乐、中介服务为主;目标客户集中于投资客、商业和服务经营者;最终将项目打造成集时尚、休闲、娱乐、服务于一体的场所或平台。 按照项目定位及市场预测,对该投资项目的经济效益进行了测算:按回报率10%计,净现值7748.42万元,远大于零,说明JF项目可行;内部收益率24.19%,,远大于设定的10%的投资回报率;动态投资回收期3.92年,风险较小。 对重启项目开发的社会效益进行了阐述,社会效益显著,尤其对化解多年因拆迁引致的社会不稳定因素作用巨大。同时也对项目开发的政策风险和市场风险给予了评估,并提出了规避风险的有关对策。把握政策风向标、控制开发和销售进度、控制项目现金流至关重要。 经过分析论证,认为项目是可行的。
[Abstract]:A professional business plan is not only a necessary condition for an enterprise to look for investment, but also a key measure to determine the success of an investor's investment. JF commercial real estate project was developed jointly by Guangdong JS Co., Ltd and Guangzhou DT Corporation. Because of various subjective and objective reasons, the project of the subway superstructure on Guangzhou Metro Line 1 has been shelved for many years, and the conditions for restarting development are basically available. In view of this, this paper discusses and studies the feasibility of project development from several aspects, in order to provide a reference for investors to make decisions and put forward suggestions for investors' management. The main contents include: the background and significance of the paper research and several important principles needed to be used in investment decision-making, such as "five forces" analysis model and SWOT analysis model, enterprise competitive strategy, marketing, etc. This paper briefly introduces the basic situation of the project developer and project, analyzes the macro policy environment and the market competition environment of the project development, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the project development. Opportunities and risks for project development. Overall, the government will continue to take a variety of measures to strengthen the regulation of real estate prices, industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce; project development advantages highlight, opportunities significantly exceed the risks. Based on the analysis of the environment of the project and the condition of the project itself, the target market and the target customer are analyzed, and the development of the project is orientated, and the marketing strategy should be adopted to achieve the goal is designed. The target market is mainly retail, leisure, entertainment, intermediary services; the target customers focus on investment customers, business and service operators; finally, the project will be built into a fashion, leisure, entertainment, service in one place or platform. According to the project orientation and market forecast, the economic benefits of the investment project are calculated: the net present value is 77.4842 million yuan, which indicates that the JF project is feasible, the internal rate of return is 24.19%, which is much larger than the set return rate of investment 10%. Dynamic investment payback period of 3.92 years, the risk is relatively small. The social benefits of restarting project development are expounded. The social benefits are remarkable, especially to resolve the social instability caused by demolition for many years. At the same time, the policy risk and market risk of project development are evaluated, and some countermeasures to avoid them are put forward. Grasp policy vane, control development and sales progress, control project cash flow is very important. After analysis and demonstration, it is considered that the project is feasible.


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