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发布时间:2018-08-15 16:34
【摘要】:业主团体在我国是在房改后出现的一个新名词和组织体。我国《物权法》把它界定为业主大会和业主委员会,前者是意思机关,后者是前者的执行机关。作为小区业主自己成立的一个意思自治组织,它的法人性质和法律地位一直以来颇有争议,但人们对它的看法必将随着房产制度的完善而日趋成熟。 1978年以后我国城镇住房制度历经了与市场经济相适应的一系列改革,改变了计划经济下住房由政府出钱、政府建设、政府管理的一套过时的房产制度,对城镇住房制度、城镇土地使用权制度、城镇房地产建设制度等进行了彻底的变革。这一顺应时代潮流的房改,适应了市场经济的发展要求,使中国住房制度发生了翻天覆地的嬗变。一座座商品化的高楼,如雨后春笋般在中国大地上涌现出来;一个个住宅小区,星罗棋布。于是,在政府把更多自治权下放给业主的背景下,一些以前不存在的问题也随之凸显出来。例如物业管理,具体地说是建筑物区分所有权以外的共有部分的管理问题,谁是民事权利主体?特别是当小区公益部分涉讼的时候,谁来作原告与被告?尽管我国《物权法》第75条和《物业管理条例》第15条,均授权小区业主可以成立业主大会和选举业主委员会作为执行机构来管理小区,但对它们的法人性质和法律地位均未作明确规定。这给现实问题的解决带来了许多困难。这不能不说是我国立法的一个缺漏。笔者认为业主团体应该具有法人资格和地位,我们可以借鉴公司的治理结构来规范业主团体的管理。但业主团体又不同于公司,有自己的特点。我们必须超越传统民法对法人的分类来给业主团体定性。传统观念按照法人设立的目的是营利性的还是公益性的,把法人分为营利性法人和公益性法人两大类。但现实中存在一些组织形态既不以营利为目的,也不以公益为目的,而是以互助和互益为目的。像业主团体、商会、学会等诸多以会员制形式设立的组织,我们如何给它定性和归类?美国立法上承认这类以互益为目的的法人为互益性法人。 业主团体的法人性质既然为互益性法人,那么它的治理结构完全可以借鉴公司法人的治理结构。由所有业主组成的业主大会是业主团体的权力机构,而由业主大会选举产生的业主委员会是业主团体的执行机构。另外还应该仿效公司设置一个监督机构,履行监督职责,甚至可以聘请一些专职经理人来提高管理效率。但对于中国目前住宅小区的入住率普遍低下的现实状况,建议由已入住的业主组成临时业主委员会,代行业主大会和业主委员会的职能。待住宅小区的入住率达到一定的比例时,再成立业主大会和选举业主委员会来管理业主团体的日常事务。只有承认业主大会的法人地位,赋予业主委员会诉讼主体资格,才能使它们在履行职责的过程中发挥应有的作用。 本文运用比较研究的方法,深入分析了国内外一些国家和地区关于业主团体的研究成果,独创性地提出了业主团体为互益性法人的理论见解。呼吁我国通过立法确立业主团体的法人地位,使之更好地履行职能。尽管人们对业主团体的法人地位问题莫衷一是,业主团体法人化的观点可能一时还难以为大众所接受;再者由于笔者收集的资料有限和受个人水平的制约,对业主团体法人化的探究还不够深入和完善。但无论如何,希望通过对业主团体法人化的讨论,能够对业主团体的发展和完善有所帮助。我相信,随着我国商品房制度的进一步完善,理论界对业主团体法人性质研究的成熟,以及司法实践和物业管理的现实需要,业主团体法人地位在立法上的确立必将指日可待。
[Abstract]:Owners'organization is a new term and organization after the housing reform in China. It is defined as the owners' Congress and the owners'Committee in the Property Law of China. The former is the meaning organ and the latter is the executive organ of the former. Controversy, but people's views on it will mature with the perfection of the real estate system.
After 1978, China's urban housing system has undergone a series of reforms adapted to the market economy. It has changed a set of outdated housing systems under the planned economy, such as government-funded housing, government-constructed housing and government-managed housing. It has thoroughly changed the urban housing system, the urban land use right system and the urban real estate construction system. As the housing reform conforms to the trend of the times and meets the requirements of the development of the market economy, China's housing system has undergone tremendous changes. For example, property management, specifically, the management of the common part of the apartment ownership, who is the subject of civil rights? Especially when the public interest part of the community involved in litigation, who is the plaintiff and the defendant? Although China's Property Law 75 and Property Management Ordinance 15? The owners of residential areas are authorized to set up owners'congresses and elect owners' committees as executive organs to manage the residential areas, but their legal personality and legal status are not clearly defined. We can use the corporate governance structure for reference to regulate the management of the owner's organization. But the owner's organization is different from the company and has its own characteristics. Legal persons are divided into two categories: for-profit legal persons and public welfare legal persons. However, in reality, some organizational forms are neither for profit-making purposes nor for public welfare purposes, but for mutual assistance and mutual benefit. It is recognized that such mutual interest oriented legal persons are mutual beneficial juridical persons.
Since the legal nature of the owner's organization is a mutually beneficial legal person, its governance structure can absolutely draw lessons from the corporate governance structure. The owner's Congress composed of all the owners is the authority of the owner's organization, and the owner's Committee elected by the owner's Congress is the executive body of the owner's organization. But for the low occupancy rate of residential areas in China, it is suggested that the temporary owners'committee, the modern industry owners' assembly and the owners'committee should be composed of the occupied owners. When the occupancy rate reaches a certain proportion, the owners'Congress and the election committee of the owners are set up to manage the daily affairs of the owners' organizations.
By using the method of comparative study, this paper makes a thorough analysis of the research results on the owners'organizations in some countries and regions at home and abroad, and puts forward the original theoretical view that the owners' organizations are mutually beneficial legal persons. There are different opinions on the status of the owners. The opinions on the incorporation of the owners'organizations may not be acceptable to the public for a while. Moreover, due to the limited data collected by the author and the restriction of the personal level, the research on the incorporation of the owners' organizations is not deep enough and perfect. However, I hope that through the discussion on the incorporation of the owners'organizations, we can have a thorough understanding of the industry. I believe that with the further improvement of China's commercial housing system, the maturity of theoretical research on the legal personality of owners'groups, and the practical needs of judicial practice and property management, the establishment of the legal status of owners' groups in legislation will be imminent.


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