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发布时间:2018-08-16 12:30
【摘要】:经过三十多年的发展,我国的民营企业已经从求生存转向谋求更大的发展,实施多元化经营战略成了众多已经创业成功的民营企业的选择。许多企业因此实现了做大做强的梦想,但也有许多企业因此落入了战略冒进的陷阱。 本文以企业战略管理理论为基础,综合相关研究成果,系统介绍了企业多元化经营战略的基本理论和分析工具,并运用这些理论与分析工具对ZKX企业实施多元化经营战略的具体案例进行了分析。 ZKX企业在第一次创业成功后,从1999年开始实施不相关多元化经营战略,其新业务涉足水电、医疗、教育、旅游、交通和房地产等多个行业,分布于浙江、上海、江苏、江西和陕西等多个省市,总投资近三十四亿元。2006年,企业在主要项目基本建成并投入运营之后,资金链断裂,企业创始人外逃,企业岌岌可危。 本文认为ZKX企业实施多元化经营战略失败的关键原因有以下几个方面:一是企业创始人做大企业、抢占资源的欲望极其强烈,远远超过其自身的能力,终使企业的发展迷失了方向;二是企业没有具备实施多元化经营的关键条件,却选择了主业转型、实施多行业多区域不相关多元化的冒进式战略发展路径;第三是在实施过程中没有形成有效的战略评价与控制机制,无法及时纠正许多致命的战略错误,致使企业走向失败。 本文认为保证民营企业成功实施多元化经营战略的前提是企业必须有效开展企业战略管理工作,需要重点把握以下几个方面:一是企业家一定要节制膨胀的欲望,坚守底线,扣紧“安全弦”;二是企业发展不能舍本求末,要牢记企业价值最大化这一长远目标;三是战略路径选择要实现市场机会与企业能力的匹配;四是战略支持体系要适应多元化经营的战略需求;五是实施多元化战略要强化战略评价与控制。
[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of development, private enterprises in our country have changed from survival to seek for greater development, the implementation of diversification strategy has become the choice of many successful private enterprises. Many enterprises realize the dream of becoming bigger and stronger, but many enterprises fall into the trap of strategic venture. Based on the theory of enterprise strategic management and the related research results, this paper systematically introduces the basic theory and analysis tools of enterprise diversification strategy. Using these theories and analysis tools, this paper analyzes the specific cases of diversification strategy of ZKX enterprises. After the first successful venture, ZKX enterprises began to implement independent diversification strategy from 1999. Its new business involves hydropower, medical care, education, tourism, transportation and real estate. It is located in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and Shaanxi provinces and cities, with a total investment of nearly 3.4 billion yuan in 2006. After the main project is built and put into operation, the capital chain breaks, the founder escapes, and the enterprise is in danger. This paper holds that the key reasons for the failure of the diversification strategy of ZKX enterprises are as follows: first, the enterprise founders have a strong desire to make large enterprises and seize resources, which far exceeds their own ability. Finally, the development of the enterprise lost its direction; second, the enterprise did not have the key conditions to implement diversification, but chose the transformation of the main industry, implementing the multi-industry and multi-region independent diversification of the strategy of development path; The third is that there is no effective strategic evaluation and control mechanism in the process of implementation, and many fatal strategic errors can not be corrected in time, which leads to the failure of the enterprise. This paper holds that the premise to ensure the successful implementation of diversification strategy for private enterprises is that enterprises must effectively carry out the strategic management of enterprises, and they need to focus on the following aspects: first, entrepreneurs must control the desire to expand, adhere to the bottom line, Second, we should keep in mind the long-term goal of maximizing the value of the enterprise, and choose the strategic path to realize the match between the market opportunity and the ability of the enterprise. Fourth, the strategic support system should adapt to the strategic needs of diversified management, and the fifth, the implementation of diversification strategy should strengthen the strategic evaluation and control.


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