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发布时间:2018-08-17 10:43
【摘要】:随着我国社会主义市场经济的持续发展,消费信贷经济的活跃,房地产抵押制度作为现代担保制度受到人们的普遍关注。抵押制度是常见的一种担保形式,因其不转移占有的方式——抵押人不仅可以继续利用抵押物的使用价值,又能通过设定抵押获得融资,解决资金短缺问题——而被形象地成为“担保之王”。房地产具有较高的交换价值,同时具有保值性、安全性、稳定性等特性,它经常地被用作担保抵押的抵押物。随着我国房地产行业的持续发展,土地使用权制度改革的不断深化,房地产抵押制度作为一种融资风险的防范措施和一种有效利用方式而得以广泛应用。目前,规范房地产抵押的法律法规以及规章主要有:《中华人民共和国物权法》、《中华人民共和国房地产管理法》、《中华人民共和国担保法》以及建设部制定颁布的《房地产抵押管理办法》。我国关于房地产抵押的法律问题随着房地产抵押市场的日益繁荣亦渐受关注。在肯定上述法律文件对房地产抵押的规范起到积极作用外,应当指出的是,我国的房地产抵押制度尚不完善,仍然存在许多法律问题,有待进一步研究和解决。 本文主要研究我国房地产抵押制度存在的问题及其对策。文章计三万五千字左右,除引言和结语外,主要包括三个部分的内容,文章的结构设计如下: 第一部分,我国现行房地产抵押制度概述。在这个部分,笔者对房地产抵押权的概念特征、房地产抵押权的设定以及房地产抵押权的实现方式这几个重要的问题进行了详细的论述。首先明确了房地产抵押权区分于其他抵押权的特殊性质,即具有复合性、要式性以及期限性;其次概述了房地产抵押权的设定程序,分为房地产抵押合同以及房地产抵押登记,并且对房地产抵押标的物做了较为详细的论述;最后论述了房地产抵押权的实现方式。 第二部分,我国房地产抵押制度中存在的问题。这个部分主要阐述了房地产抵押制度中出现的三个典型的问题,即房地产抵押登记中存在的问题、在建工程抵押中存在的问题以及房地产抵押评估中存在的问题。分节分点论述了这些问题产生的原因、现状以及弊端,为下文论述做好铺垫。 第三部分,我国房地产抵押中存在问题的解决对策。针对上述三个问题,本人分别提出了几点建议。首先,在房地产抵押登记中,提出了建立健全我国房地产抵押登记的法制体系、整合分散设置的房地产登记机构、明确抵押登记审查方式、建立赔偿基金或者引入保险来转移责任的四点建议;其次,针对在建工程抵押中存在的问题,认为应当在源头上预防重复抵押、重复预售的行为,同时建立健全预告登记制度,以及完善我国建筑工程价款优先受偿制度;最后,针对我国房地产抵押评估存在的诸多乱象,提出了严格规范评价工作行为、提高商业银行风险预警能力以及提高评估人员业务素质等建议。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of China's socialist market economy and the active consumer credit economy, the real estate mortgage system as a modern security system has attracted widespread attention. Mortgage system is a common form of security, because it does not transfer the way of possession - the mortgagor can not only continue to use the value of the mortgage, but also can Real estate is often used as collateral for guaranteed mortgage because of its high exchange value, high security and stability. With the continuous development of China's real estate industry, the land use right system has been reformed. With the deepening of the reform, the real estate mortgage system has been widely used as a precautionary measure against financing risks and as an effective way of utilization. Law > and "Measures for the Administration of Real Estate Mortgage" promulgated by the Ministry of Construction. The legal issues of real estate mortgage in China are also gradually concerned with the growing prosperity of the real estate mortgage market. In addition to affirming the positive role of the above-mentioned legal documents in the regulation of real estate mortgage, it should be pointed out that the real estate mortgage system in China is not yet complete. There are still many legal problems to be further studied and resolved.
This paper mainly studies the problems and Countermeasures of the real estate mortgage system in China. The article is about 35,000 words. Besides the introduction and conclusion, it mainly includes three parts. The structure of the article is as follows:
The first part is an overview of the current real estate mortgage system in China. In this part, the author discusses the conceptual characteristics of real estate mortgage, the establishment of real estate mortgage and the realization of real estate mortgage in detail. Secondly, it outlines the setting procedure of the real estate mortgage right, including the real estate mortgage contract and the real estate mortgage registration, and makes a more detailed discussion on the subject matter of the real estate mortgage; finally, it discusses the realization of the real estate mortgage right.
The second part, the problems existing in the real estate mortgage system of our country. This part mainly expounds the three typical problems in the real estate mortgage system, that is, the problems existing in the registration of real estate mortgage, the problems existing in the construction project mortgage and the problems existing in the real estate mortgage evaluation. The causes, the current situation and the disadvantages will lay the groundwork for the following discussion.
In the third part, the author puts forward some suggestions to solve the problems in real estate mortgage. Firstly, in the registration of real estate mortgage, the author puts forward to establish and improve the legal system of real estate mortgage registration in China, to integrate decentralized real estate registration agencies, and to clarify the examination methods of mortgage registration. Four suggestions on Establishing Compensation Fund or introducing insurance to transfer responsibility are put forward. Secondly, in view of the problems existing in the mortgage of construction projects under construction, it is considered that repetitive mortgage and repetitive pre-sale should be prevented at the source. At the same time, the registration system of advance notice should be established and perfected, as well as the system of preferential payment for construction projects in China. There are many disorders in real estate mortgage evaluation, and some suggestions are put forward, such as strictly standardizing the evaluation work behavior, improving the risk early warning ability of commercial banks and improving the professional quality of appraisers.


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