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发布时间:2018-08-18 09:50
【摘要】:在全球环境日益恶化的背景下,政府逐渐淘汰了以往用资源的过度消耗为代价换取经济高速增长的发展方式,取而代之的是以可持续的科学发展模式为经济、社会的进步做出贡献。在我国,各行各业都开始关注可持续发展。房地产作为高能耗行业,不仅表现在建筑一次性投入的过程中,更表现在产品全寿命周期的使用、维护和拆除的过程里。许多房地产企业开始意识到,传统的房地产开发经营模式已经不能满足科学发展的新理念,因此,房地产行业的绿色化转型成为了房地产企业的必然选择。但在转型过程中,也逐渐暴露出许多矛盾,其中最为突出的是企业盈利的需求、环境资源节约的需求和消费者低成本的需求之间的矛盾,这一矛盾甚至成为了绿色地产发展的主要阻碍之一。本文正是以绿色房地产企业为视角设计生态盈利模式,以期解决绿色地产发展的瓶颈,最终实现经济、社会以及环境三者的共赢局面。 首先,本文从绿色地产和盈利模式的相关理论入手,在查阅国内外现有文献后对相关的基础概念及其特点进行界定和归纳,明确了绿色建筑、绿色地产等关键词的内涵,在此基础上构建起绿色地产企业的价值网络,并对其价值流动模式运行进行分析。 随后,归纳了房地产企业现行的盈利模式,结合绿色地产企业价值网络的特点,设计出与绿色地产企业发展相适应的生态盈利模式,并从生态关系及能量流动、生态环境及影响因素等方面分析该模式的运行机理,借助博弈论的思想分析生态盈利模式下的价值实现。 最后,以武汉中央商务区城建开发有限公司为研究对象展开案例分析。通过对中城公司绿色路线的实施规划和价值网络的主要构成进行分析,明确了与中城公司生态盈利模式相匹配的发展战略。
[Abstract]:In the context of the deteriorating global environment, governments have gradually phased out the way in which the economy grew at the expense of excessive consumption of resources and replaced it with a sustainable scientific development model for the economy. The progress of society contributes. In our country, all kinds of industries begin to pay attention to sustainable development. As a high energy consumption industry, real estate is not only in the process of building one-time investment, but also in the process of the use, maintenance and demolition of the whole life cycle of the product. Many real estate enterprises begin to realize that the traditional management mode of real estate development can not meet the new concept of scientific development. Therefore, the green transformation of real estate industry has become the inevitable choice of real estate enterprises. However, in the process of transformation, many contradictions are gradually exposed, among which the most prominent is the demand for profit of the enterprise, the need for saving environmental resources and the demand of low cost for consumers. This contradiction has even become one of the main obstacles to the development of green real estate. This paper designs the ecological profit model from the perspective of green real estate enterprises in order to solve the bottleneck of the development of green real estate and finally realize the win-win situation of economy society and environment. First of all, this paper starts with the relevant theories of green real estate and profit model, after consulting the existing literature at home and abroad, defines and summarizes the relevant basic concepts and characteristics, and clarifies the connotation of the key words, such as green building, green real estate, etc. On this basis, the value network of green real estate enterprises is constructed, and the operation of its value flow mode is analyzed. Then, the paper summarizes the current profit model of real estate enterprises, and designs the ecological profit model suitable for the development of green real estate enterprises, combining with the characteristics of green real estate enterprise value network, and from the ecological relationship and energy flow, The operating mechanism of the model is analyzed from the aspects of ecological environment and influencing factors, and the value realization under the ecological profit model is analyzed with the help of the thought of game theory. Finally, Wuhan Central Business District City Construction and Development Co., Ltd. as a case study. Through the analysis of the implementation planning of the green route and the main composition of the value network of Zhongcheng Company, the development strategy matched with the ecological profit model of Zhongcheng Company is clarified.


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